
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Going, Going...Almost Gone

Snow piles in the back yard on Monday afternoon. Plus you can see mum has her pretty bed blankie drying on the line. It smells so good from being outside!
Snow piles in the back yard on Tuesday afternoon. It was 74F that day, record high.
This is tonight, Wednesday, this is all that is left. Mum says it will probably be gone by the morning.
Mum finished another crow-shay blankie this week and started another. Seems they are having lots of babies where she works. Me inspecting the latest finished product.

Plus my sweet Princess Mia Bella now as a little bean sisfur. Born March 11, Kiran Eliza.


  1. Wow, that crow-shay blankie is very pretty.

  2. Those are a lot of pretty colours in the cro-shay blankie.
    It has been nice and sunny here too, but not as warm as you though. It was 58f which is warm for us for the time of year.

  3. That's a very pretty crow-shay blanket. Warm sunny weather is wonderful.

  4. Your mum makes beautiful blankies. It is very colorful. My mommie never did finish that scarf. I don't think a blankie is in my future.

  5. The blankie your Mom made is very pretty. ~Socks, Scylla, Charybdis & Fenris

  6. We like that blanket you are on! The Woman needs to get around to finishing a blanket she started years ago and set aside. She is getting in the mood, although with summer I don't know how much she will really want to do.

  7. I think Spring might be here.

    That is a very nice crow-shay.

  8. Snow gone here too. We are so glad! We can roun around wifout "coldpaws".

  9. That is a beautiful blanket. Mom crow-shays baby blankets also, but she has been working on kitty snuggles instead. We hope the snow is all gone by tomorrow.

    Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade, and Gracie

  10. Derby, did you get to nap on the good smelling blankie?

  11. I hopes you put your smells on it Derby, it will make it even more better-er than it already is!! :))

  12. that's a pretty blankie!!!! it was warm here yesterday, but cold again today

  13. It's great it's getting warm for yoo again Derby! And that crow-shay is beautemous!
    Sanjee and the resta the Hotties

  14. Our paper this morning said there is a new baby boom-let going on. So that must be part of what your mom is seeing!

  15. Goodbye snow!!!!!

    That new cro-shay blankie looks so cozy!

  16. We don't have any snow on our ground....and it is a bit early for it to be completely gone.

    That is a great picture of you Derby! You look very handsome!

  17. Hmm. crow-shay? That blankee looks nice. I wish Tommy would do something like that. But she says if she can't buy it at Target--forget it. You look there.

  18. That's a gorgeous blanket, Derby. Your Mummy is very talented!

    All our snow has melted too but we're in Canada so we may get more before it gets to be Spring.

  19. hi
    i have been reading your blog since last year. derby is so cute!


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