
Monday, July 13, 2009

ManCat Monday

I wish I could write as mysterious as a cat. - Edgar Allan Poe

Mum went off to play with racy cars this weekend, but while she was there she cheated on me! Yes, she came home and I could smell woofies on her, but also kitten! Then I got a look at the flashy box and I have proof!
Here you can see mum with the kitten, snuggling up to her so nice. You can also see mum's head gear, she had to be in charge of her group, which means she had to wear the headset. But didn't that prevent her from taking time to check out this little one. From what I understand someone she knows had 5 kittens there, hoping to find them homes.
Here is a better picture of the kitten, along with the lady who will become its mum. Phew, I dodged a bullet here, that mum didn't come home with a little one. To be sure she understand, I put the bitey on her when she got home on Sunday evening.
But here is a picture of a racy car, the driver is the son of one of mum's good furiends. He did good this weekend.
Plus early in the morning, this guy flew over with his parachute and a machine attached to make him go in the air.

But what is good that mum is taking Monday off, so I can continue bugging mum about being unfaithful to me. Maybe a few more biteys, specially on the spot on her leg that looks a little bit reddish! Yeah, that should do it.


  1. Oh, yes, cheating Moms need to get the bitey. I'm glad that she didn't bring any kittens home, too, Derby. Not that I don't hope that all the kitties got homes, but I think having a kitten around would upset you.

  2. We thinks the kitty was very cute. ~S,S,C & F

  3. Sometimes they need a bitey to remember where their priorities are! That's a very cute kitten, and cute kittens are hard to compete with!

  4. How RUDE!!! We agree - many biteys are called for here.

  5. Bite her in the middle of the night too.

    Huffle Mawson

  6. I think it is very good of your Mom to spend some time with you on Monday seeing she was cheating on weekend!

  7. oh a mom day today. just the right time to make her feel bad about cheating on you

  8. Dont put too many biteys on your mum, she was only being friendly. I hope they all get a good home with love..

    Hugs GJ xx

  9. Phew...that was a close call, Derby. You never know when kitten will crawl into a purse or pocket and find it's way home with your Mum.

    Hey, thanks for singing me that great purrthday song. It makes being 64 a little easier to take.


  10. All that matters is that she doesn't bring it home. We are glad you have a Mom day today.

    Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie

  11. Oh now, Derby, wouldn't you like a little brother or sister that you could play with and pick on and blame things on? ;)

    Purrs and hugs,
    The Kitty Krew

  12. That was a close one, Derby.

    Besides putting the bitey on your mom, you can also ask for more treats to make up for the cheating.

  13. Oh, I am sure your mom was just being friendly and didn't mean anything bad by visiting with the kitten. I hope they all found good homes!

  14. Ya...putting the bitey on is a good idea. My mom came back from her work retreat with cat fur on some of the clothes she put in the laudry basket. She had a picture of the culprit also...but at least that alien cat was not in her arms!

  15. OMC! You caught her red-handed cheetin on you! Fank goodness da kitten recognized yur mom is already dopted an dopted sumone else.

    Derbs, you haf GOTS to help yur mom switch to milk wif milk rings. Mom's bot herself a Happy Meal just to take da boy da toy, so why not?

  16. Hmmm, if you can figure out a way to get your mom to stop cheatin' let me know. Mine cheats every chance she gets, even when she goes to Petco to buy ME food...the rescue people have kittens and cats there. No place is safe.

  17. How could she cheat on you out on a day trip like that. We think kitties everywhere would look the other way when the teeth come out.

  18. That kitten was cute...but no reason for your mom to cheat on you...

  19. Cute kitties are no excuse for cheating on you. Make sure she keeps showing how sorry she is.

  20. You dodged a cute kitten bullet, Derby.

  21. Mommakitty and da blurp came home from vacation smellin' like woofie too!


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