
Friday, July 31, 2009

My Cubes

Yes I have four cubes that are all linked together. Mum got them for me for my first Christ-mouse with her. Here is one of the firsted pictures of me making my way through the cubes. Grampie laughed when they got set up since the took up a lot of space.
Mum worked on them to get them into a nice shape that didn't totally take over a room and she found a nice way to put them together and wrap them around the chair she sits in when she sits inside watching birdies by the big windows that go to the floor.
I love to nap and play in and around them. Sometimes I wait on the far end and then ambush mum as she walks by the other end. Sometimes she is expecting me, other times I managed to surprise her.
Heck, I play with them so hard that I can upset them so they are laying on their sides. Sometimes mum picks them up to clean and finds my fevver butt mousies hiding there. I know they are there, and I toss the cubes to get at them or some of the toys under the chair.
So I am looking under the other end of the cubes, I know there must be a mousie here.
Even when they are on their side I will climb in and chill.
Coming through, I'm gonna get mum really soon, one more cube and I will jump at her!

So come on over, we can play and chill in the cubes.


  1. What fun. We don't have those cubes but we have the contraption we got for Christmas. It's fun too.

  2. What great cubes you have. I can't imagine my humans ever being so thoughtful. Do not worry Derby... I KNOW you knew where I was! I was hoping to get some discussion going on though to see who could tell us the most!

  3. Dood that's so cool! We have one cube and I don't think he People ever considered how much fun more would be. Buddah would *love* that!

  4. That looks like a whole big bunch of fun!

  5. Those look like a lot of fun, but they would take up all the space in my tiny house..

    Hugs GJ x

  6. Your cubes look like lots of fun. I like the way you can tip them over. Ambushing Mom sounds like great fun.

  7. We like your cube fort. It looks like lots of fun to play in. We especially like that you can ambush your mum.

    Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie

  8. Nice cubes, Derby. You look so relaxed in yours.

  9. That's a great idea and it looks so much fun Derby. We haven't even got one cube let alone four. We are deprived!

  10. Oh, Derby, your cubes look like fun! Ours have some holes in them because Victor wanted toys that were under them. If it ever gets warm here, we can pretend they are ice cubes!

  11. We only have TWO cubes. Four seems much betterer!

  12. Those cubes look like so much fun! It's especially great that they're in a spot where you can launch sneak attacks from your cubes. Very cool!

  13. Oooooh, so many fun cubes to play with! We should do that too. But we only have one. :(

  14. Them cubes looks grate! I bets Pepi would luv cubes like dat. Mommy sez we'd hafta hang dem from da ceilin to make rooms tho. hehehe
    Fanks for tha purrthday wishes :) We got the bestest purresent -- Pepi's azma goin away!
    Sanjee and tha resta tha Hotties

  15. I just have one but man, I really love it! -Scout

  16. That's a really cool cube complex, Derby. We need our mommy to get us more than one, maybe more than Pixie would use it then! (Well, Bugsy does sometimes too...and occasionally Roxy....)

    Thanks for sharing more details and pics!

    Purrs and hugs,
    The Kitty Krew

  17. Now THOSE are some seriously fun cubes!


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