
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Under control

Yeah mum, fine. Go day hunting, I've got things under control here. z z z z z z Z Z Z Z Z

Lots of you commented on mum's steps. Yeah, she comes home from her racy car weekends and her feets are tired. But after a good night sleeps she is fine. Even on a 'normal' day, she will put on 3-4 thousand a day.


  1. We luff your cubes, especially Leia. You look so relaxed in there!

  2. Wow! How many cubes have you got Derby?

  3. Man what cool cubes you have. You are so lucky.

  4. Wow, Derby, you have a lot of cubes. It looks like you are enjoying your nap in that one.

    Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie

  5. Hey Derby, did you get new cubes?!

  6. Derby, you could sure fit a whole lotta more cats into those cubes than just yourself....... can we come over and chill in the cubes with you?

  7. I will be right over to help you play in those cubes.

  8. Derby, look at all the cubes you have! It's almost an entire cube complex!

  9. Wow you have a lot of cubes! We have one that is a cube and a few other shapes. The kitties love them but there tend to be accidents in them sometimes, if you know what I mean.

  10. WOW - that's a lot of cubes you are having. Very cool.

  11. You look so comfy there Derby. We only have one cube. Aren't you lucky. Boy, that was a lot of miles your Mom walked. The most my mom walked with a pedometer was six thousand something. I do know that her church is a mile and half from our house. Does your Mom watch NASCAR??


  12. Those cubes are awfully comfy, aren't they, Derby?

  13. Are those cubes all connected? Way cool!

    You look so comfy there, Derby!

    Purrs and hugs,
    The Kitty Krew

  14. My mom wore one of those things for a six-week walking challenge at her hunting place, so she knows your mum sure did walk a lot!

    You're lucky to have so many cubes. We have two but since *somebody keeps flattening them, we don't have them out all that often.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.