
Monday, September 14, 2009

ManCat Monday

The cat is the only animal which accepts the comforts but rejects the bondage of domesticity. Georges Louis Leclerc de Buffon

Ah, yes the comforts of home. Foods, nice places to nap, scritches, but gosh I sure wish I could get outside the house. Mum caught me trying to get out around Grampie's legs when he was over yesterday afternoon. Sheesh, mum is too quick for me!

Mum and Grampie didn't watch much feetsball during the daytime, said it was too nice a day to stay inside and watch the moving picture box. But the Packer game was after dark so mum watched, cheered, yelled, moaned. We could even hear the neighbors cheering too at the end of the game.

Packer versus Da Bears - WE WIN!!!!

Brett and the Vikings - they won

The Colts - they won

I is exhausted! All the purring and cheering for The Pack, but they pulled it off. Tied for first with The Vikings.


  1. Sounds like your purrer worked some overtime this weekend! Well done!!

  2. We love that quote, no truer words have been spoken!

  3. You LOOK exhausted!!!! All that cheering and stuff! I think I'm glad my OTW doesn't watch feetsball, or any other sport! I don't think I could handle the stress!

    Thank you for coming to our party! And thank you for suggesting Not-Food Names! We've put them on our list. We got a couple of good ideas for themes for all of them too, so we're debating right now!


  4. You definitely had a busy weekend, Derby. Time for a day long nap.

  5. The Bears broke Daddy's heart...

  6. It was raining here so we mostly slept. ~S,S,C & F

  7. Yes cheering is a tough one! I am glad you are getting the opportunity to nap aferwards!

  8. Your purrs worked wonders! Good job:)

  9. I don't know,Derby. It sounds to me like you were inspired by all that football and just wanted to go outside and give it a try.

  10. We don't know about American feetsball, but we are glad your team won.

  11. You won, we lost. But we still like you - we aren't into football enough to mind we like opposite teams!

  12. You need a green and gold collar to wear on game day.

  13. That feetsball stuff sounds excitin! We never see anny on our TV. Jus lotsa nature stuff...

  14. Whoa! We feel tired jus lookin at yoo an hearin bout yur yellin for da pack! Owr beans gonna be owt to see da Packers an da Lions! Now how could a Pack win against a Lion we wanna know.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.