
Monday, November 16, 2009

ManCat Monday

Looking at a cat, like looking at clouds or starts or the ocean, makes it difficult to believe there is nothing miraculous in this world. - Leonard Michaels.OK, I am getting ready to go back to my regular routine. No more mooching treats from mum during the middle of the morning or afternoon. Mum is bummed that she 'has to go back to reality' and get back to her day hunting gig.

We had a good week together. I got my extra treats and snuggles, mum got all of the stuff done that she needed to get done. Our outside is cleaned up and mum had good weather to get it all done.

Mum has been sitting lately with a lap full of yarns. She isn't letting me play with the yarns either. This time it is not crow-shay but knotting, wait, I mean knitting. Mum says she has about 4 months to get this done before the blurpy thing gets here.

Feetsball Report

The Pack - THEY WON! Mum didn't expect them to beat them Cowboys so yippee!

Brett and them Vikings - beat the Lions, I would certainly hope so.

The Colts - playing late on Sunday night.Right now the guys named Pat are winning, but mum will probably head off to the sleepy spot before the game is over.


  1. Aw, it's always a shame when the vacation ends and it's time to go back to work. I am glad that your Mom got her work done and had good weather for it. I hope that the knitting goes just as well.

  2. Sounds like you are a great knotting assistant. Thanks for the well wishes, we are both on the mend.

  3. Hope mum gets all her knitting done.. Four months will fly by.. Hugs GJ x

  4. Knitting for blurpy things is the best kind of knitting to do! Don't play with the yarn too much.

  5. Our Daddy ran away to work today. We are very sad :>( But Mom says he will be home for supper ;>)

    The Mom wishes she could crochet or knit.~S,S,C & F

  6. Our Lions didn't have a chance against those Vikings...then again, they don't have much of a chance against any team, do they??

  7. Mama just had the weekend off, so she's bummed out to go back to work today, too. But that makes treats and snuggles extra special!

  8. We are glad you had a good week with your mum home with you.Getting back to reality is not so good.

  9. It's a shame when moms have to go to work....we are so very fortunate that ours is retired now and is home with us all the time....well, truth be told, sometimes we wish she wasn't around quite so much......MOL


  10. No plays with yarns?! Tell you moms you playings with the yarns will makes it that much mores specials!

  11. Mondays are crummy in general but this one is extra crummy for you and your mum. Just when you get used to spending days together, the 2 of you get separated again.,.

  12.'s always sad when vacation is over and you have to go back to reality...Or maybe reality is over and you have to get back to work. Yuk!
    ~Lisa Co9T

  13. Not fair that you cannot play with that yarn. That would be a really fun game if you mom would just let you. Maybe when the blurpy one comes you can play with the yarn stuff then?

  14. Hehe you forgot them ugly steelers lost to those big tiger cats! hehehe
    We loved it when our bean was on vacation, but now we just pile on her when she comes home so she can't get anything done when she's done hunting.

  15. It's hard to go back to the old routine when you've had such a great time with your mom! You will need to purr lots and be extra sweet for her when she comes home from hunting these first few days's really hard on humans to go back after a break too.

  16. It is so nice yoo gots a whole week wif yur Mum around. Now yoo haf to finks of a way to get to dat yarn.

  17. I bet your mum would have rather stayed home with you, Derby!

  18. I'm glad you had a good week with your mum, Derby. You gotta get those treats and snuggles any way you can!

  19. I am looking forward to next week when Mommy has a little time off of work!

  20. I'm very happy your Pack won! So did our Bengals. We're still on a high from that.

    Sorry your mommy has to go back to that work place. yuck. No more afternoon treats and naps.

    We hope the knitting goes well and you get to play with some yarns too. Mommy can crochet, but knitting she struggles with.

  21. Maybe you could latch onto a ball of yarn to call your own.

  22. What? No playign with the yarn? Why not?

    Thanks for the feetsball result. Cheering for the Colts!

    Your guess is too far north. The Chinese were there for a 1000 years, that's why it looks kind of Chinese. But no.

  23. I have been enjoying your blog for a while now and I just wanted to ask you, when you get the time, to go to my blog and please participate with the article I am going to write about the cat blogs I follow and also please take the award too while you are there if you will participate! Oh please do! Your kitties are so cute!
    Thank you!
    Linda :)


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