
Saturday, December 5, 2009

Caturday Flurries

Hey everyone, happy Caturday. Mum and I have finally seen snowflakes in the past few days but nothing has really stuck or covered the grass. The weatherguesser says that may change in a few days. Here is the other morning, just enough to show up and make it a little white in places. It all went away that day. Today we get a few snowflakes, then sun. Mum says it is now furry cold outside and she needs to find her ear muffins to wear to keep her ears warm.
Mum and Grampie wented to a Christmouse concert last night at Concordia University Wisconsin. All the student musical groups do their thing, and they were just five rows back from the bell ringers. Mum says it is fun to watch them and how they make all the different ringings sounds depending on how the bell is rung, struck or otherwise handled! Plus big things that look like tuning forks!
We got our firsted Christmouse card too. From mum's furiends who are smart enough to include me in their good wishes!
So mum is busy today, starting her cards, getting the mailing labels together for both her and Grampie and doing his Christmouse letter. Oh, and doing peanut brittle batches in between.
Me I will just find some of the sunshine and soak it up.


  1. Derby it sounds like a marvelous day! I think we might be putting our tree up. It is cold here but not snow yet!

  2. Dood...they make muffins out of ears?? How does that taste?

  3. Sounds lke agood day to me.. We also are very cold but no snow yet.. Hugs GJ xx

  4. Sounds like a great day. Keep warm!

  5. Mmmmmmmm! Peanut Brittle!
    ~Lisa Co9T

  6. It is cold here too, but no snow, just lots and lots of rain. Hope you find a nice sunbeam. We made our mum do all our cards too while we stayed in front of the fire.

  7. We designed our cards, but we haven't printed them out yet (The Big Thing doesn't have enough of the "right paper" today).

  8. Sounds like a good day! It's frigid now, isn't it? Mama has been putting sweats on over her uniform when she leaves for work. That concert must have been wonderful--we love bells!

  9. Everyone is so busy!
    We like your choice of napping through it in the sun spot.

  10. Yummie! Peanut Brittle!! Sounds amazing!

  11. Derby, that is such a mancatly portrait of you...


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