
Monday, December 14, 2009

ManCat Monday

Cats always seem so wise, When Staring with their half-closed eyes.
Can they be thinking, 'I'll be nice, And maybe she will feed me twice'? - Bette Midler
Hope every one had a good weekend. Mum didn't go day hunting on Friday. She got up late but then got dressed to go out. Then the door bell rang and a couple of her furiends, Miss Jane and Miss Lynn, showed up and they took off in mum's metal monster. They went to a Chirstmouse thingy and did some shopping. Mum didn't get much, some Mauthe Lake Mud Fudge, and a soup mix thing. Nothing for me.
Caturday and Sunday we just hung out, I mooched treats, she finished Christmouse cards. I helped by keeping her legs all warm!

These guys came out of the dungeon over the weekend too. When we have white stuff outside the the snow guys come out of hiding in the dungeon.

Since we have lots of snow the fevvers have been stopping by feeders lots, so lots for me to watch out the back windows. Plus the silly squirrels come around to eat the spilled seed, then they chase each other all around the place.

Feetsball Report

The Pack - They beat Da Bears! Twice in one season! They may also make the playoffs!

Brett and them Vikings - Beat Mr Hendrix's Bengals

The Colts - They won again, still unbeaten.


  1. You look great today,
    I like the second photo of you, seems really happy.
    Have a great new week to you! Derby!

  2. Sounds like you had a restful weekend. Here's to a restful week!

  3. An easy weekend with treats sounds good to us.

  4. Sounds like you had a good weekend. Ours was good also....lotza cat naps. :)

  5. Sounds like a lot of fun for your human... which is okay so long as you get lots of attention...

  6. We had a good weekend too! What does mud fudge taste like?

  7. You are one handsome Mancat, Derby! I'm glad you had a nice weekend. Maybe next time your Mombean will get you present when she goes out...or maybe she got you one, but is saving it for a certain day coming up...hmmmm?
    ~Lisa Co9T

  8. Uh oh...those little white guys are back again!

  9. Derby, I knew you guys would win feetsball this week. Our guys stink this year! Congrats!

  10. Sounds like you had a fun weekend...hope you didn't hafta mooch too hard for treats!

  11. What do you mean, you got nothing from your mum's shopping trip??

  12. You certainly look wise and I know you are so. Therefore, I have a question for you. Does the Colts being undefeated mean that they will be in the super bowl or do they still have to keep with the wins?
    Like the Christmas things at your place, matches the snow outside.

  13. Being a leg warmer is a very important job. You should get paid lots of treats!

  14. Treats and naps are a pretty good way to spend any day. That, and watching the mooching squirrels freeloading off your bird feeders...

  15. Sounds like it was a pretty good weekend.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.