
Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Snow Update

Monday AM
Tuesday AM

Wednesday AM!

The last two picture are the before and after mum shoveled. Mum says about 8 inches, heavy, wet stuff. Hard to snowblow and shovel. But the snow eater worked and the neighbor help with his big snow eater at the end of the driveway.

Mum's office is closed but she has to log in from home, but she had the extra time to clear the patio and refill the bird feeders. Plus we saw Mr Hawk hanging out on our fence. Mum had just gone outside the back to work on the snow, he was sitting on the fence.
Stay safe, I will be cuddling with mum today!


  1. Wow you guys got a lot more snow then we did - we expected that much but didn't come close - it switched to rain here. But we have dropping temps so we expect lots of ice tonight on the way home. I would take the snow over the ice any day!

  2. Mama got to stay home last night but she has to go in to work today. She's not looking forward to it at all!

  3. Wow, you guys got a snow-wallop!

  4. stay warm and safe and snuggly with your mom!

  5. Wow! That's a lot of snow all of a sudden. Stay warm!

  6. We are getting pounded too.
    8 inches, heavy & wet and high winds.
    A stay warm & take a nap kind of day!

  7. We're getting ours today too! I'm home from work...but still working...well not right now :).
    ~Lisa Co9T

  8. That is a lot of snow. Best to spend the day napping.

  9. We had some weather yesterday, and it's still freezy! Stay warm and safe!

  10. I don't think we had as much snow, but it's really cold out. Stay warm!

  11. Please have your mom email me at

    I have questions about your VSquillion request.
    I know you want a 2009 Snowflake one but don't know what you want to name it. Also need your email address.

  12. Holy mackeral! Good thing that snow didn't cross the border into Chicago! We got maybe 3-4 inches.

    Stay warm and dry!

  13. We bet that's one hungry hawk, if all its food is under a blanket of snow. Not that we would go outside or anything -- cute furry creatures like us (and squirrels and rabbits and chipmunks) are prey in the real world.

  14. Wow, we're glad we dint have all THAT stuff! We gotta inch.

    LC says we sometimes get snow higher than we are. We laffed at the idea. But then she showed us PICTURES! YIKES!

    We hope we dont get THAT...shorbrie

  15. Wow! That's a lot of snow! We haven't gotten any...yet...just some really high winds!! And it's really cold!

  16. We never get great snow like that! We just get rain... :-(

  17. Glad our Secret Paws box arrived safe and sound with all that blizzardy stuff going on up by you. Glad you are saving it for Christmouse. Tell your mom that the chocolate is calorie free! hahaha!

  18. Holy moly! You guys got dumped on with snow. I can't think of a better way to spend a cold day like that than snuggled up with the mommy. Enjoy it!

    It is only going up to 20 degrees today here. I am very glad I'm an indoor cat. Mommy and #2 have to go out for her haircut appointment. snigger. I'll just stay on the couch under my snuggle while they go out in the cold. It is good to be a cat.

  19. Wow, we got snow down in Kansas too, but the worst thing has by far been the below 0 degrees cold =(

    I want my little cat to come home so I can cuddle with her =)

  20. OMC it looks so cold! Do you want to come spend the summer with me?

  21. Hey, thats no sparrow, we have those and I call them birds of prey!


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.