
Thursday, February 11, 2010

Great Backyard Bird Count

To all of you who have birdies outside your windows, and who doesn't. This weekend is the Great Backyard Bird Count.
All they ask for is at least 15 minutes of watching and counting the fevvers of wherever you are. Home, work, school. They use this to see where birdies are and how their habitats and habits are changing. The more data the better the study.

Mum and I did this for the first time in 2007, and then we also got hooked up with Project Feeder Watch, which we now do every weekend, all winter long.
Here I am sitting on my pillow waiting for birdies to come by. This was on our snowy day so I didn't see much but snow.
Here is a picture that mum took of the back yard before she walked all around to clear the snow from the roof and patio. With the drifts in places it was between mid-calf to knee high with snow. But with the sunny day, things are clear and dry so mum can get around easy.
Happy Weekend.


  1. Derby, you seem to be asking your mum to pay more attention to you than to the Weather Channel. The idea of watching birds sounds fun to us too!

  2. Hi Derby, So glad I had a chance to drop by! You have a lot of snow out there. I have an idea - how about you and I make a quick trip to Florida?
    Gracie (and Beth)

  3. Happy weekend to you! Counting birdies will make it extra happy!

  4. Hi Derby, I love to watch the birdies outside my window too!

  5. Wow! I wish I could get the Woman to count birdies with me. I am certain that they will not take numbers from me!

  6. We'll be counting! The Project Birdwatch sounds like something to try too.

  7. Mom loves to watch birds but she isn't good enough at identifying them to purrticipate.

    Oh, and don't tell Niko but Mom actually is working on building a ramp for Niko- stay tuned to our blog and we will show the ramp once it gets built.


  8. As far as we know, we don't have an official bird counting day in the UK, but every day is bird counting day to us. Have a great weekend.

  9. Derby, my kids want to know if they can eat the ones they catch!

  10. We are looking forward to counting birdies in our back yard. Have a great weekend Derby!

  11. Bird counting sounds fun, but right it's nothing but all squirrels, all the time!

  12. With all that snow, do you get any birds for tv ?

  13. Maximus Spittimus has asked me to impart his words of wisdom.


    When the Two Legs opened the back door a big thing made a whooshy sound. Two Legs say it is pigeon.

    I stay indoors. There is no pigeons indoors.

    Four Dinners
    Aide de Camp

  14. You & your Mum are always doing something interesting!

  15. Counting there's a project we could get out teeth into, so to speak. hehehe

  16. Happy Valentimes Day Derby and Mum!
    Sanjee and tha resta tha Hotties

  17. Happy Valentine's Day my Sweetheart

  18. Wow, good to have a job bird watching? Does it pay treats we mean.

  19. What was the final birdie tally?


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.