
Monday, April 5, 2010

ManCat Monday

Most of us rather like our cats to have a streak of wickedness. I should not feel quite easy in the company of any cat that walked about the house with a saintly expression - Beverly Nichols
Well then Ducky and I must be good for mum. Both of us have our little streaks of naughiness. I will take the occastional bitey at mum. They other night I jumped up on the bed, mum reached out to get me a pet. I hissed at her! Ducky doesn't seem to do stuff to mum, but he will pick a battle with me now and then.

Hope everyone had a nice Easter weekend. On Friday Mum got all of her rugs cleaned and dried them outside and they smell delish! Plus she did some extra cleaning inside and pruned some bushes outside. It was still nice and warm on Friday.

Caturday is was cooler and rained some so our windows were not open very far. We all napped lots. Mum finished reading her book and will be off to the library later today.

Sunday Grampie came over for lunch. Mum grilled brat patties, no ham for us! But while mum was outside tending the cooking Grampie was eating his Easter eggs! Chocolate for an appetizer! After lunch they sat outside in the sort of sunny Sunday. It was warmish but windy. Ducky and I had nice long naps.

As you see we have "Gone Orange for April" to support the ASCPA. Gotta support them 'cuz they help us!


  1. Sounds like you had a good Easter weekend!

    BTW, our human wishes Nicki didn't have quite so wide a streak of naughtiness, actually. ;-)

  2. Mom said she totally gets the "chocolate as a starter"! Sounds like yoo had a great time.

  3. We think that sounds like a great Easter! We all have a little bit of the naughty in us!

  4. Sounds like Easter weekend was good at your house.

    We kitties do have to have SOME naughtiness in us, otherwise we would be too boring. Also we need to keep the humans on their toes.

  5. Sounds to e like you had the purrfect Easter.. A little aughty is good.. Hugs GJ xx

  6. Sounds like you all had a good weekend.
    Mum says we can be naughty sometimes, but we think she must be wrong.

  7. Sounds like a great Easter weekend except for no ham!...Happy Monday...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  8. Yes, throw in some naughtiness at times.......the day will come when you will be our age and not want to bother with anything but eating, cuddling and naps. xxxxxxxxx

  9. You had a good weekend at your house. We had more rain here. We are ready for warmer weather. Enjoy your Monday!

  10. Sounds like a good Easter. Did you get some patties? I mean they may not be ham, but they are still food and you should get some!

  11. my mommeh says she is verreh jealous of your nice smelling rugs, guys. the apartment we rent has permanently carpeted floors, and she hates it! i do not mind myself, cause i can roll around on just about anything.

  12. Sounds like you had a great Easter!

  13. Ah, yes indeed we favor wickedness! And pay the consequences, too.
    ~Lisa Co9T

  14. We have some streaks of naughtiness too!

    Sounds like you had a very nice Easter!

  15. Chocolate for an appetizer! Good for him!

    Sounds like you all had a very nice weekend.

  16. I think it's ok to be naughty sometimes. It keeps our mums on their toes!

  17. Sounds like you all had a great Easter with your mum! Mama likes your Grampie's style of eating his Easter eggs for an appetizer! Also, my mama loves to read and goes to the library all the time.

    We hope you don't mind, but we're going to "go orange" too this month. There are so many neglected, abused animals that need help.

    p.s. We're following you now. :)

  18. Even us good cats have to be a wee bit naughty now and then!

  19. I sat in the sun today -- out in the garden!

  20. ...looks like you are thinking about putting the bitey on your furrend! And no ham? Hiss hiss!


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