
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Tuckered Out

We are all tuckered out, including mum. She spent a lot of time today chasing around for Grampie. She is furry tired tonight. She had the day off from day hunting and we thought she would be home to snuggle with us, but no, it was a Grampie day today. So I taking a long nap behind mum as she sends emails to the family. She also has an adult beverage.
Ducky is chilling in the window too. Just feeling mum's tiredness.
Another picture of us on top of the big cold box. Ducky was upset as the picture the other day had him all out of focus.

Guess we will watch the end of the hockey game, there are into OT.


  1. We hope the Human enjoyed her adult beverage. Mine never shares any of that with me. She says I would not enjoy it, but I'm not so sure. I think it might just be a plot to keep it all for herself.

  2. You poor Mum, at least she has you two and an adult beverage! Running errands is tiring. Mommy dreads it so much Daddy gets frustrated and does them! heh heh, all part of the plan...

  3. I think it is important to nap when your person is tired.

  4. "Adult beverages" are good, sometimes necessary, says our human. ;-)

    Sending you all lots of energy!

  5. What a great picture of the two of you on the coolbox.

    We hope you mum gets some time to relax soon.

  6. You both look pretty similar when you sleep!

  7. my mommeh says she unnerstands just how your mommeh feels. it is only 9:30am here and she says she wishes it were socially acceptable to has an adult beverage RIGHT NOW!

  8. We need to get our Mom to take all the cereal boxes off the top of our fridge so we can sit comfortably up there!

  9. Your grampie is very lucky to have your mum do things for him! Mama has had a long week and wants an adult beverage right now, but it's only 10:45 am!

  10. Hope you have all recovered from your mom's tiredness. It was nice of you to share her with your Grampie.

  11. That is very good of you to keep your Mum company when she needs some moral support!

    Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, and Caramel

  12. Glad your Mom chilled out with an adult beverage; hope she got some rest like you guys!...Love your photos, especially you guys hanging out together=so cute!...Happy day handsome boys...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. That was good of you two to chill out and help your mum relax. We bet the adult beverage helped too.

  15. That is so cute the way you guys cuddle on top of the fridge...

  16. A Great Sadness has descended on our mom.
    Her beloved team lost. It is so hard to invest everything into your team and come up empty handed and heavy hearted at the end.

  17. We are the opposite of Shaggy, Scooby and Scouts mom because our team won - but their team did a great job too. We think it is great that you are helping your mom to rest after her busy day!

  18. We hope you all got lots of rest and are feeling better today!

  19. You'll all need to have a relaxing weekend!

  20. Relax! The weekend is here! Yay!

  21. Hope you guys rest some rest for the weekend, because that's important. And hope all is well with your grampie. I think liqui-nip is good to relax with but it's a little different from what we get!


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