
Friday, June 18, 2010

Where's The Water?

This is our waterfall when it looks all pretty, just a little bit of water coming over.
Then this is what it looks like when it rains and rains and rains. Heck once even the Majic Flying Van whooshed over the falls.

Mum was out the other night, to take some video of our waterfall. One side the water leaks through, the other side is the purrty spot with the waterfall. But the pretty side is gone! No more water! The little pond behind it is gone too.

Mum says they have to inspect the DA... well that is one the bad word list, well inspect the thingy this summer to make sure everything is OK. Then the water will be back. Mum will have to back and get some movie pictures once it is pretty again.

The hots are here, we will be napping. Have a wonderful weekend. Happy Dad's Day to all of the dads out there.


  1. Where did the water go? We loves waterfalls.

  2. Is not good all the water is gone!
    We hopes you still has waters to drink. Have a great weekend!

  3. I hope you solve the Mystery of the Missing Waterz!!

  4. Uh oh! Can you send some hots here. We're still getting rain.

  5. We hope they find the water=we love waterfalls, they're so beautiful...Happy Sunday sweeties...kisses x3...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  6. Oh My! We hope there weren't any fishies living in the pond!
    And guys, it's OK to say "dam" just sounds like a bad werd. We live by Hoover Dam and it took us a while to learn the difference.

  7. Derby, it definitely looks nicer with all the water in it. Let's hope they fix it fast.

  8. Waterfalls are such nice places to visit! Mom & Dad saw a huge one when they went to Ottawa once.
    Has anything interesting turned up in the pond now that the water is gone? Like treasure or jewels or stuff like that?

  9. Wow, we nefer seen so much warer flowing over a wall at one time!!! That is cool...

  10. Oh noes...all dried up, including some dried up fishies we bet. We have a waterfall in our house now...well, it's really a water fountain, hahameow

  11. Wow, you have your own dam and waterfall?


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