
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Don't Forget to Vote

The deadline is September 16 to vote in Monty's Q contest. Please go and vote for me.

Just to remind you this is my entry! That way I don't get lost in the other entries in other categories. I am in the Best Monty Q category.
Here is the other one that mum thought about entering. One of my early photo's here as I was hanging out with Mum on the sleepy spot.
If you want to see the rest of my outtakes you can go here.

Thanks everyone!


  1. That a GREAT Monty Q! We arent entered in that one, so Best of luck!

  2. Monty Q's are very hard to did a pawsome job!

  3. We nearly forgot to vote. We will go and do it now. Neither of us ever do the Q, only the Full Monty.

  4. We just voted for you, Ducky! You did a great job!

  5. The Monty Q is a very difficult pose to pull off! I tried it once and threw out my back. Maybe thats a sign that geezer cats like myself should leave the fancy stuff to you youngsters. Or maybe I did it wrong. Always a possibility.


    Neyland D. Catt

  6. Derbs, thank you for my lovely b'day card. I got extra scritching and goodness for my birthday. I do need to get online more often. I've been busy looking after beanmom and the babybean. Beanmom has *another* bean on the way which means that I'll have two babybeans to manage soon!

    Head bumps to you and Ducky.

    love and purrs,

  7. We sent our votes off already and it was a very hard choice. Efurrybuddy was so good! Good luck!

  8. We went over and voted! There were a lot of great entries, so it was a hard choice.

  9. Oh we almost forgot to vote - we planned to but then didn't get a chance to check out all the entries - we will head over! It looks like you have a wining Q going on there though!

  10. We voted but then we got confused and maybe we voted twice or three times for the same was furry difficult to pick just one!

  11. Oh noes, we missed all of the August entries sent in and your pix was there! We have to vote some more! This will take some time!


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.