
Monday, September 27, 2010

ManCat Monday with Movie

A cat's got her own opinion of human beings. She don't say much, but you can tell enough to make you anxious not to hear the whole of it. - Jerome K Jerome

We made it through the weekend. It has gotten much cooler around here and we have to snuggle to be warmer. Mum has taken to wearing long sleeves, socks and long pants too. Mum caught us both getting our fur tan in the window yesterday morning.

Mum says Grampie is having some good days and some not so good days. Caterday, his purrthay was a good day. Sunday not so much, when mum got there just after lunch he just wanted to go to bed and sleep.

Mum put out some suet for the birdies now that it is getting cooler so they have good stuffs to eat to give them energy. She took down the hummer feeder on Friday evening, then we saw a hummer on Caturday back by the butterfly bush. Not many flowers anymore for them to get foods from, so they should be moving south soon.

Feetsball Update

The Pack - plays Da Bears on tonight on Monday Night Feetball. So we will be parked with mum on the couch tomorrow evening.

Grampa Brett and the ViQueens - managed to win their first game againt the Lions. They won inpsite of turnovers, including 2 interceptions thrown by Grandpa. Lots of penalties too.

The Colts - They won, beating them bucking Denver Broncos.


  1. I enjoyed your movie. That looks like a great sunny spot. I am glad that your Grampie had a good day on his birthday.

  2. Fab movie ~ and we are glad grampie enoyed his speshull day.

  3. What a great movie. It's getting colder here to.

    Happy Belated Birthday to your Grampie!

  4. We are glad your Grampie had a good day on his birthday. He is doing pretty well for 95, and Mom says maybe it is not surprising he was tired the next day. But the increased sleeping is part of his aging and maybe part of his heart condition too.

    Similar stuff here with our hummers.

  5. oh my cod, so cute in the window!

  6. We are glad your Grampie had a good birthday and we keep purring for him to have lots of good days. Sunny spots are important!

  7. We hope your grampie has more good days and less bad ones! We loved the movie of you guys in the window--watching you guys groom each other is so relaxing. Mama was in orange guy overload!

  8. We hope that your Grampie will have more good days than bad. We know it has to be tough for your mom.

    And we loved that video of you - very cute!

    Have fun watching the game - we won't watch, but of course this is the big rivalry game for our two blogs - lucky for us we just aren't super into the game, so we won't mind if you guys win!

  9. Derby you take such good care of the Duckster and that window perch looks like a glorious place to nap on in the sun!!

  10. We got some good bath pointers from watching your oh-so cute movie!

    Go Bears!!! :)

  11. We LOVED the movie! It's so nice to see you two are fast friends.

    We're happy Granpie enjoyed his Birthday...He's old enough that he can nap like a Cat any time he wants to.

    Sorry, but we're rooting for Da Bears tonight!

  12. Well, you guys were cerinly usin the sunny spot well! We woulda run the minnit the curtains were pulled aside...

  13. That window looks like a good sunspot for you both to relax in.
    We are glad your Grampie had a good day for his birthday.

  14. You guys are so sweet together!

    Are you sure your grampie isn't part cat? We like to sleep after we eat, too!

  15. a very happy lated purrfday to your grampie. we knows about good days and bad days with grampies. purrrrrrrrssssssss to your mommy!

  16. Ducky! You've just won the 2010 Best Monty Q! Come and see!

  17. That's a cute video!

    Glad your Grampie had a good purrfday!

    Luf, Us


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