
Friday, October 15, 2010

Finally Friday

The two of us and mum are very happy the weekend is here.

Mum had a heck of a week with Grampie. Seems he doesn't want to ask for help when he should or is supposed to. So mum got a call in the middle of the night, then got dressed and left us alone for hours. She need to go check on him as he need to go to the ER in the middle of the night for stitches.

So then mum got home and then like left for work, came home early from work, took a nap and then left us again for hours. Sheesh, we love Grampie but us kitties need attention too. Yeah, mum says we need to purr for him, but we miss you mum not being here, specially in the middle of the night. We like to sleep on you, specially Ducky.

Speaking of Ducky, no word yet from Dora or her mum. At least he got his ask in, now he just has to wait.

See the picture above, it is our new profile picture. Mum got a good picture of us both together. Yeah, I guess we like each other.

Happy Weekend.


  1. We're so glad to see the 2 of you getting along so well!

  2. You guys have to help your Mum relax this weekend. She's obviously got a lot on her plate right now.
    Purrs and prayers for Grampie coming your way from all of us.

    Your new header photo is so sweet!

  3. Kids, that photo is wonderful!

    We hope your mum can get some well-deserved rest this weekend. And we send purrs to your grampie, too.

  4. Such a precious photo of you handsome boys; we are so glad you guys love each other and get along so well now!...We are purring and praying for your Grampie; give your Mom some extra cuddles this weekend...xoxo...J, Calle, Halle, Sukki

  5. Great photo of the two of you! Caring for seniors is hard work, our Moms are currently caring for our 91 year old Grandma, so they can relate. Hang in there!

  6. That's a fabulous photo of you both!

    We're sending lots of purrs and Light to your mum and to your Grampie. Our human's mom is dealing with her older hubby's health issues (recovering from a broken hip) and his early (?) stage of dementia. It's not fun and it's certainly not easy.

  7. Sorry about your Grampie. Purrs for him and your Mom.

    LOVE that picture of the two of you!

  8. We're so sorry to hear about your grampie! We'll all purr for him and your mom--this is a frustrating time for her! Love the new picture--orangie overload!

  9. That is an amazing picture!
    It actually should be enlarged, framed nicely and hung on your wall.

    Purrs to grampie. AND your mum.

  10. I love that photo of both of you. We will purr for your Grampie. The Woman says it is often hard for humans to ask for help when they need it. They don't like to think that their bodies can't do what they once did. It is very hard. So we will purr.

  11. That's a nice photo, all snuggly.

    Purrs to your grampie and mom.

  12. You two look so sweet and angelic there. We're sorry your mom is having to leave you alone to go help your Grampie. We hope he is okay. He's lucky your mom is there to look after him.

  13. We are purring for your mum and your Grampie.
    That is a lovely picture of you both together. It is nice to have a brother to love isn't it.

  14. That is a WUNNERFUL profile picture! We are purrin for both Grampie and Mom...

  15. Wow boys that is a beautiful picture!!

  16. That picture is the sweetest!! We're sorry that your Grampie is taking up so much of your mom's time...we think Grampies need more attention than us cats, sometimes.

  17. Greetings Derby and Ducky,

    What a precious picture mum got of the two of you and we agree it is perfect as your new Avatar.

    We hope that Grampie is doing well and mum has gotten some sleep.

    Wishing you a great Sunday,
    Miss Kitty and Egmont

  18. What is better than a picture of one cute kittie sleeping away? A picture with two kitties sleeping away. You two certainly are cuties! Will pray that your grandpa will not have any more stitches and that he will ask for help when needed. I hope he didn't fall and nothing else got hurt. I know you need the mom's time but she has to take care of the grandpa so you two just use this time to catch up on some zzzzzzzs.

  19. Poor mum! It's so hard to be torn between taking care of Grampie and you guys too! I think you two need to take care of each other for a bit so Mum can focus on Grampie.

    You do look ravishingly cute though, says my Human, and she doesn't know how anyone could possibly resist those little faces!

  20. What a sweet photo!

    We send our purrs to your grampie too!!

    Also, to Ducky - good luck with Dora! Be persistent! WE good looking orange cats are irresistible!

    Love, Summer & Sunshine


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