
Monday, October 25, 2010

ManCat Monday - Updated

How clumsy, slow and shuffling we must seem to the agile cat! Luckily for us they tolerate us. - Author Unknown

We were super nice to mum this weekend, we let her sleep for a full 10 hours in a row! She says she doesn't remember sleeping for that long in ages! We know she needed it, too many late nights and worries about Grampie. We thank you for all of your continuing purrs and prayers.
We didn't do much this weekend anyway. The furnace tuneup guy came and went, mum watched Bucky Badger feetsball with Grampie on Caturday afternoon. Mum did washing, foods shopping and finished reading her book.

Mum didn't even watch any of the feetsball games early in the day on Sunday. Saved herself for Sunday Night!

Feetsball Report

The Pack beat old Grampa Brett and the ViQueens on Sunday evening. They had Grampa limping pretty bad by then end of the evening and Grampa kept tossing the ball to the wrong team. But mum says he is known for tossing that old feetsball to the opposition.

And she came home from the library with this for us to read too!


  1. So glad to know you are doing just fine. We will keep praying and purring for your mum :)

  2. Good long sleeps are so therapeutic for Moms. Godd for you for letting her get a nice long one.

  3. Ya'll were so sweet to let your mum sleep in! Lots of purrs for your Grampie!

  4. You were very good to your mum, to let her sleep for 10 hours! Our mom wishes we would too, and hopes your mum feels more energetic and invigorated now!

    Continued purrs and Light to your grampie and to your mum!

  5. That was nice of you guys to let her sleep in! We do that once in a while, too!

  6. That is such a nice picture of you both...I love how you snuggle together !!!

  7. Lovely photo!

    Take care of your mommy & grampie okie!

    We send our purrs too!

  8. Happy Mancat Monday.....we are purraying for your Grampie and your mum.


  9. Mommy is envious of your Mum's looong sleep! It must have been delicious to nap that long.

    We are purring hard for your Grampie.

    Pee ess: Mommy is excited about the waterfall...maybe soon it'll be wet again!

  10. oh lookit you two - all cuddly together!!!!! wonderful!!!!

  11. Thats nice ya let Mom sleep so long! It should be good fer extra treats all week...

  12. That was a long sleep.We hope she feels better for it.

  13. We're glad to hear you guys had a nice peaceful weekend!

  14. Wow, we don't think we've ever let our mom sleep that long. That was really nice of you to do.

    Aw, poor Grampa Brett...he shoulda hung up his cleats...

  15. Hi, sweet boys, we dedicated tomorrow's post to Derby=sorry we are late, Mom's been so busy lately...We are still purring for Grampie...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki, MC,DC

  16. tell us about Dewey's book.

  17. Awwww, you guys are all worn out.

  18. We think Grandpa Brett needs to keep his mind on feetsball and stop looking at the nice girls. If he kept his mind on the game he might accomplish something.

  19. Purrs for yoor Grampie and (((((hugs))))) for yoor mom.


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