
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Still No Water

This is how our waterfall has looked in the past, water flowing nicely, green trees and bushes.
They took the water away several months ago to do an inspection and fix things if they needed fixing. Then when we had our flooding back in July, mum took a video you can see here.

Mum stopped back a week or two ago and still no water, but all of the green stuff is gone too. Mum said they took the trees and bushes down since they weren't supposed to be there. Some of the stuff growing was not native to Whiskerconsin.

Here is a video of the waterfall now, mum thinks they replaced the concrete/cement where the flood gates were, they did take the flood gates out. Also, if you look close at the start of the video you will see some beans. While mum was there they went round the protective fence and were climbing out on the dam! Mum was nearby and said they should get off, they shouldn't be out there. They got mad at her, mum didn't care, she thought they were stupid, had gone by all of the warning signs. They did get off but mum was prepared to call the cops if they hadn't.


  1. I wonder why they are changing it. It was looking so good there!

  2. Greetings Derby and Ducky,

    The first thing that hit us after reading your post is that why remove all non-indiginous plants is like saying no foreigners here.

    Dad has very mixed feeling about this and if that which was removed was not replaced with native plants, then the removal was wrong.

    Change because it is new does not mean it is always better.

    We hope to see what Derby and Ducky are up to the next time.

    Wishing you a wonderful day,
    Miss Kitty and Egmont (dad)

  3. Wow! Mommy says she enjoyed the waterfall update...and those silly people were very foolish. People can lose their footing in only 6" of water provided it's running fast enough!

    pee ess: We are working on a super 'tock post for next week!

  4. Great update on the waterfall ~ mom agrees taking risks near water is SILLY and DANJERUS.

    We are gonna do a tocks pic soon.

  5. That is a shame as the waterfall looked so lovely before. We hope the water comes back and they plant some more greenery too.

  6. Great video--we hadn't realized that they were doing so much maintainence on the Falls. Hopefully more greenery will grow back around it soon. And we just love the bonus duckies! Ducky isn't going to have an identity crisis now, is he?

  7. We've missed you guys while Mom was busy moving us and hope all is well; glad to read your Grampie is doing a little better and not confused=we will keep purring for his continued recovery...We are having a special post tomorrow (Oct. 7) about Mommy's first baby, Nikki; hope you can visit...kisses, sweet friends...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  8. Wow! THAT is a cool waterfall...

    "Hey Big Thing, we want one of those!"

  9. Wow--look at the duckies! Are they relations of yours, Ducky?

    The Human thinks they should put some new plants in!

  10. But there is no waterfall anymore! That is a bummer!!!

  11. WEll, it looked pretty nice before - maybe they will let there be water there some day! And we think that those people look like they were probably silly teenagers, so she isn't surprised they were jerky.


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