
Monday, November 22, 2010

ManCat Monday

A little drowsing cat is an image of perfect beatitude. - Jules Champfleury

Welcome to a new week and according to mum a short work week for her. Woohoo for us, that means we get extra mum time!

Mum finished up with outside work on Caturday. Thankfully no climbing on ladders this weekend, just pushing the grass eating Monster around one last time to even off the grass and chew up the last few leaves.

We watched fevvers a bit both days. Mum worked on reading her book too. In general a quiet weekend. Mum spent some time with Grampie too on Sunday.

Feetsball Report

The Pack - they beat Grampa Brett and the ViQueens in the dome. Grampa threw the ball to the wrong team once, but that helped swing the game. In general looked like an old man. On the other paw our QB ARodg looked great, 4 TD passes!

The Colts - lost to Miss Millie's guys named Pat. Although they at least made it a little closer at the end. The Colts are having an off year, not as sharp as in previous years. Peyton had 4 TD's but also 3 INT's.


  1. More Mom time is great. My Mom has extra time off this week, too, but she might be deserting me for a while. I love the picture of you on your back, beating up the chair.


  2. We're getting extra mom time this week, too! It's also our move week, so we'll be starting our week in one place and ending it in another!

  3. We're glad you get extra mum time this week! We don't, 'cause Canada's Thanksgiving was in October.

    Someone send us some turkey leftovers!

  4. Ducky, you show that sofa who's boss! Hee hee, Derby, we think your brother wants to rassel.
    Extra Mum time is great! We hope your breakfasts won't be late like ours are.

  5. The pictures are cute. Sounds like you had the perfect weekend.. Hugs GJ x

  6. It's a short work week for our human dad, too. But both of the humans have to get the house ready for Thursday, so there's still lots of work to do...

  7. It must be roasted turkey bird week!

    Who's the upside down, Derby or Ducky? At least that's how it appeared on our monitor. Derby(?) by the boxes showed right side up.

    Have a good roasted turkey bird week!

  8. Sounds like a pretty good weekend. And it's nice you'll get some extra mom time this week. We will be getting some too!!

  9. I love having more Woman time--I just wish it didn't come with more Male time!

  10. Yeah, we think this short week is gonna be good! TBT mentioned turkey!


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