
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Snuggle Fail!

HEHEHEHE. Ducky got the boot out of the sleepy spot last night. Four times he circled around mum as she laid trying to sleep, he wants to snuggle and plops his tocks right on mum's face.

First she gently moved him off, moved her head. Each time he came back to snuggle, sit on her face she moved him off again. Finally she sat up, picked him up and put him on the floor. After that he left her alone and she could get her sleeps.

He was nice on Caturday when he got all of his snuggles, but didn't actually sit on mum's face like he did this time. Yeah, the runt isn't purrfect!

She got home furry late, stuff at work to do, quick trip to see Grampie and then home to us. I had to watch in the front window until she brought the metal monster into its room.

I am ready to snooze on the back of the couch. A plus, we gots ham tonight.


  1. Plus yoo gots ham? Um, dat's not an after thot. Dat's BIG news! Altho Ducky sittin on yur mum's face is pretty funny!

  2. Mom does that to Barney sometimes because he likes to sleep by mom and sometimes does that butt in the face thing. And oh we are totally jealous that you got ham - we almost never get ham!

  3. Mommy is glad Ducky didn't poot! That would have been AWFUL.
    heh heh.

  4. MOL @ the Katnip Lounge!

    Derry likes to lie on the mom's face too. As long as she can still breathe and doesn't have a claw up her nostril, she'll usually let him -- but she can't sleep like that. HE can, though! :-P

  5. Wow! Ichiro tends to do that with the Woman too--even when she is sitting up he wants to have his behind in her face. What is up with that?

  6. Mol poor mum.. I bet se does not mind realy. Ham now thats good news.. Yum.

    Hugs GJ xx

  7. Hope Grampie is okay.

    Did you enjoy the ham? We know, dumb question. :)

  8. Ooooooooo ... ham. Hope it was the good deli kind.

  9. Eric does that to our mum too and when he gets up, he walks across her hair and she says it feels like she is being scalped.

  10. Sounds like you had a great Thanksgiving with all the goodies. I like to snuggle up to my Mom too at night. She gets upset when I lick her nose when she is sleeping. Sometimes she hides her face behind the blanket. I think Mom would boot me off if I sat on her face too.


  11. Ducky is lucky. I got locked in the basement fer sprayin TBT in the ear 2 nights ago...


  12. Awwww poor Ducky!
    He just wanted a cuddle with his mum, he just went about it the wrong way!

  13. face sitting and ham...who could ask for more!


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