
Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving Goodies

Hope your Thanksgiving Day is filled with the warmth of the day, from the heat of the oven. Stuff the turkey, not yourself! Don't lose your turkey either!
Mum got her annual goody bag from work, it was a small box with a nice cloth bag.
A bag that mum could use for shopping or carrying stuff around.
Plus the goodies inside! Pancake mix, real maple syrup, granola, cider jelly and maple apple spread. Mum is specially happy to get the real maple syrup. Her company send out the gift baskets every year at Thanksgiving to the employees.
Mum says we will have a quiet day and she will go eat dinner with Grampie.

Thanks for all your comments on Puddin. Mum hasn't met the other kittie Mr B, a black kittie. Guess he likes to hide!


  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you all! Enjoy all da turkey you can eat! Happy nomin! We all laughed at da turkey hidin!

    Da Critters

  2. What a great goody bag! Our mom is jealous, since she doesn't get anything at all at her work.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you all and we hope there's leftover turkey for you!

  3. Happy Thanksgiving handsome boys!...We hope you, your Mom and your Grampie have a wonderful day...Puddin is an adorable boy and a real sweetheart; we're glad your Grampie has cute kitties and beautiful birds to enjoy at his new place...kisses, sweet friends...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  4. Wow, what a great gift basket! Happy Thanksgiving

  5. Happy Thanksgiving!

    That is a fabulous gift bag. Our Mom loves maple syrup too!

    We hope you have a fabulous day!

  6. Happy Thanksgiving Ducky & Derby!!

  7. Sending best wishes to you and your family across the miles as you celebrate Thanksgiving Day!

  8. Happy Thanksgiving! Hope you get a nice big plate of turkey!

  9. Happy Thanksgiving! Be sure to wish your grampie a Happy Thanksgiving from us too.

    Love the goodie bag!

  10. Happy Thanksgiving, Derby and Ducky, and to your mom and grampie.

    The goodie bag sounds yummy. Can we come over for a pancake breakfast tomorrow?

  11. That's a real nice gift this year. Last year was cool too with that pretty basket she got.
    It's nice some companies still treat their employees like people.
    Puddin' looks like a great cat!

  12. Those are great goodies!! Happy Thanksgiving!

  13. Boy, your Mum sure got a lot of goodies in her bag. Sure hope you and your family have a great Thanksgiving with all the fixings. I'm hoping to get a few treats from the table a little later.


  14. That sounds like a great goody bag but we like the turkey lamp the bedt.

  15. Hope you all had a happy Thanksgiving and your mom and grampie had a nice time together. Stay warm!

  16. Happy Thanksgiving! That is a very nice goodie bag that your Mom got! Maybe she will let you share some of the goodies!

    Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, and Caramel (& fosters Hunter, Sunny, Sky, Silver, and Rico)

  17. We hope Mom brings back some turkey for you...

    Happy Thanksgiving Day to you all!

  18. Wow! Your Mum's company does a nice gift box. Our Mommy got a pen.

    We hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving, and that Grampie enjoyed the day too.

  19. Oh, Jan says real maple syrup is so much tastier and better for humans than the imitation syrups. We can't say since she's never shared any. We hope your mom enjoys her pancakes with real maple syrup.

    Hope she had a nice Thanksgiving with your grampie!

  20. I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Hey, you can probably nap on that great looking bag!!!

  21. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and maybe some goodie bag treats for breakfast!

    We have a cool place for pet bloggers, You should come & check it out sometime!

    Nubbin wiggles,

  22. Oooh, Mom says those maple treats are very special. Your Mom's company sounds nice. My Dad's company is laying people off next week rather than giving treats. Boo to them!

  23. Guess what? You came in second place in our Black Friday giveaway! You can pick any of our single buttons or magnets! Just email us with your choice and your mailing address and we'll send your prize!

  24. Congrats on the consolation prize at Daisy's! We just read about it over there!

  25. We hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and your Grampie too! Your Mum's goody bag is awesome, our Momma is drooling all over the laptop reading about what she got in it ... hee hee!
    Purrs and headbutts,
    Sabrina, Sam and Simon

  26. Sounds like yoo had a great Thanksgiving! Yoo ever need some real Maple syrup, we will send some out to yoo real quick like! Dat's somefin our Mom's family used to do on da farm in Vermont years and years ago. We can gets it in Connectacat no problem.


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