
Monday, January 3, 2011

ManCat Monday

A cat improves the garden wall in sunshine and the hearth in foul weather. - Judith Merkle Riley

So far, so good with this new year. Lots of naps, treats, snuggles.
It got all warm last week and our snow went away. But now it is all cold but sunny and mum even went out for walks. Said it was "refreshing". Then she would read her fat book and snuggle with us on the couch. Plus we did some fevver watching too.

Feetsball Report

The Pack - They beat Da Bears and made it into the playoffs. Will play next Sunday afternoon.

Grampa Brett and the ViQueens - Grampa Brett did not play, his head is not right. The ViQueens losted to the Lions. Maybe Grampa will finally retire, for good.

The Colts - They beat Titans, won their division and make the playoffs. They will play on Caturday evening.

Our college team, Whiskerconsin, Bucky Badger, losted by one point in the Rose Bowl. Mum says they didn't play like the did in the regular season. Bummer. No roses for us.


  1. It's sunny but cold here, too. It never got warm enough to make the snow go away, except on the street. I'm sorry about your Badgers. Herman also wants to spend all his time sleeping in a warm spot.

  2. Our mom's doing that too ~ reading a fat book whilst she curls up on the couch. Must be a mom thing.

  3. It has got milder here but dull and misty. We are still napping in front of the fire instead of going for walks. When mum asks us if we want to go with her we say 'No thanks'. Enjoy your snuggles with your mum.

  4. It's just disappointing when your team goes to a bowl game and plays differently. Dad expected Wisconsin to run over the frogs. It looks like you have a nice warm spot to sleep. And we think Brett needs to retire too.

  5. You're starting the new year off right, with those naps, treats and snuggles!

  6. We were hoping that the Badgers would eat those frogs (especially since Sparty got run over by the Tide), but no such luck....oh well, on to basketball!!

  7. Glad you are keeping warm and happy in Whiskerconsin. Even though the Bad Badgers came out against the Horned Frogs, there's always next year...

  8. Ah I love it when that happens in our house. I need to go make the woman sit more...

  9. Hi, found your blog this morning, and am your newest follower. :) Beautiful kitties. And I love the quote!

  10. We is glad your teams winned!
    Enjoy the warms.

  11. You look so cozy in the top picture! We are having mild temps here and had a 'green' Christmas. We don't mind, we had lots of bright lights and good company.

    Hope 2011 will be a good year for you!

    Mindy, Moe, BonBon, Cookie & Mike

  12. We're sunny but cold as well. As for taking "refreshing" walks, no thank you. We'll stay by the warm spot.

    Sorry your Badgers didn't win.

  13. We were sad about the Badgers...Mommy always roots for them. The Bears looks terrible, they deserved to lose!
    We have been snuggling with Mommy, she avoids the cold like the plague and whines when it gets below 70!

  14. Now winter really settles in for the duration. Napping it away is our game plan!

  15. We live near Chicago, and our Mama's family roots for the Bears! Mama doesn't care too much cuz she says football makes her sleepy. But Uncle Jay was awful sad that the Packers won! We took a vote and we think the important thing is for everyone to just have fun! ;)

  16. We were happy that our Lions beat the Vikings...we agree...we hope Grampa finally retires for good!! Sorry about Wisconsin...our Spartans were a heck of alot worse!!

  17. We like the looks of your heater.

  18. Greetings Derby and Ducky,

    It has been a disappointing football season since no team in our division has had a good year. THe previous Sunday we lost against the Rams or we would have played the Seahawks this Sunday. Well there is always next year.

    Warmest regards,
    Miss Kitty and Egmont

  19. We purr that you will have the greatest year ever in 2011.

    We thank you very much for coming by yesterday and helping make our mama's birthday so very special.


  20. We love that picture of you sleeping between the cat-tree and the radiator.... in fact it makes us... *yawwwwwn* so sleepy!

  21. Naps, treats and snugglels..what more could we ask for?
    ~ Malachi

  22. Dewby and Ducky

    Thank you so much fow coming by my bloggie to help out wif the gween'we awfully sweet. I'm glad youw yeaw is going well so faw..I hope it gets bettew and bettew
    smoochie kisses


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.