
Monday, January 31, 2011

Mini-ManCat Monday

You didn't really want to read that did you? - Author Unknown
Mum has been reading more, some thin and skinny books, other fat ones. The one you see me peeking around was something about losing a symbol. Plus she has "joined" the Adult Winter Reading Program, seems you register, then read a book, tell them you readed the book and then you might win a prize. Mum isn't sure what the prize might be, but for the next 6 weeks she is going to do her best to read a book a week! We will let you know if she wins a prize.

Mum hasn't had much energy to do much the past few days. She is barking like a woofie at times and sniffing, blowing and just generally sounding pretty bad. So that gives her time to read. She did leave the house long enough to get foods to each AND finally go see the latest Harry Potter movie.
She still has to eat and she made french toast with raisin bread on Sunday! We don't really care for it, but did get a little of the egg mix cooked up for us. Eat your heart out Miles Meezer!

Don't forget the Stouper Bowl party on Sunday. Mum better be OK enough to get all the goodies for that!

Guess we better go purr on mum so she sounds better. She says she doesn''t feel really bad, just sounds bad.

Have a happy week every one.


  1. My human loves French toast with raisin bread too. Humans! I will never understand their weird food preferences.

  2. We hope yoor momma feels better soon. At least she can read while she is resting up.

  3. oh wow french toasts sounds good! hope your mom feels good for the big game!

  4. Hope your Mom gets to feeling better.

  5. We hope your mom feels better soon--our mama had the same cold and still had to go to work. French toast sounds wonderful! There's a rumor here that there'll be some bacon!

  6. We hope your mom feels better soon, too. Our mom says the French toast sounds yummy!

  7. Hope Mum is feeling better by Sunday!
    She will need her voice to cheer.
    The french toast looks deelishus!

  8. French toast with raisins? Yummy! The reading program sounds like fun for your Mom. Our mom loves to read but she has ADHD and is always forgetting to bring back the books to the library, no matter how many times we tell her. As a result they've KICKED HER OUT OF THERE FOREVER! Well she can probably walk in there but she can't take out any books until she gives them millions of dollars. :(

  9. Reading a book a week sounds like heaven for our Mommy! We're ready for Sunday!

  10. It gets scary when your mum barks like a woofie.

  11. I think this reading mom thing is catchy! This past weekend was the third weekend in a row that mine read a book. She's on some sort of a kick!

  12. We almost never see eggs here. But the Big Thing used an egg for coating chicken before he coated it with some yucky flour mixture and baked it. Man, he can sure RUIN chicken!

    But he then cooked the remaining egg for us. We sniffed, but wouldnt eat it.

    Oh, he wants ta add about the book... He doesnt recognize the words, but he wonders if it refers to the Magna Carta or Declaration of Independence (or some document like that)?

  13. Purrs to your mom! She better take it easy and read some more snuggled in bed with you two!!

  14. Sending warm thoughts. Hope your Mom is feeling better. Good to stay in the house and read.

  15. Our Teri says she will have time to read when she retires, hahameow. Seems to us, that she is always 'tired so we aren't sure what she means.

    She likes French Toast too, but says she doesn't have time for that either! Oh, we'd like to try some egg mix though, so we'll try and talk her into FT this weekend!


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