
Saturday, January 15, 2011

Waitin' for Feetsball

Hi'ya, Ducky here. The Packer feetsball game won't start for a couple of hours yet. Mum has been busy reading stuff and making something pretty. Please feel free to biggify the pictures.

She had this paper thing that had new words in it. One of them was chillax.
Ummm, new word? I don't think so, we kitties on the CB have been using it for years! I think William was one of the first. Plus on the news they said the word 'nom' was new and 'in'. Heck that is another one we kitties have been using for some time. Guess we are trend setters.

Then mum broked her old badge holder early in December. Was too busy to fix it, or to try to work on something new. Well today she went out and came home with all of these neat, little bead things to string on a bracelet like thing.
She used the big old clasp from her old badge holder along with the bracelet so she can fasten it to her puter bag or purse. Some nice blues, greens, purples, some flashy, sparkly beads.
Plus two little kittie faces, so we can always be with her.
It's a play thing for me, right?

And mum did an LOL! Go vote for it!
Shall We Dance?


  1. Maybe they discovered the words in our blogs.
    Those beads are very pretty.
    We will go and vote for your mum's LOL.

  2. Cool badge chain thingy! We like the LOL Cat... We will go vote for it! :)

  3. We are watching the Packer game right now! They are giving the poor Falcons a drubbing.

    Us Cats are very trendy, apparently.

  4. What a nifty toy your Mommy made for you!

    Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, and Caramel (& fosters Sunny and Sky)

  5. I think we are clearly ahead of the crowd! Go Packers!

  6. That beady thing is great! Love the two kitty faces.

    Oh, what a really cute LOL!

    Dad is already watching those Jets and Patriots playing. Hope the Packers do well!

  7. Oh yeah, we've been chillaxing forever!

    The two kitty faces in the bracelet is so cute. So is the LOL! We'll go to vite for it.

  8. We Connecticat Packers fans are furry happy bout da game. Daddy is speshully happy. Woo Hoo!!! Go Pack GO!

  9. Hurray fer yer feetsball Packers!

    Thanks fer comin to our Gotcha Day party. You helped make it a wunnerful day...

  10. I love that poster, it looks just like my Smirtz (named after the kids show Phineas and Ferb) You can check out pics and articles and stuff about cats here

  11. I really like those cat beads!


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