
Monday, February 7, 2011

ManCat Monday

I firmly believe that any man's finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is that moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle - victorious. - Vince Lombardi

Final Feetsball Report

The Green Bay Packers are Stouper Bowl Champions! Woohooo. They were ahead the whole game but man it took a final drive for a field goal and the defense holding the Steel guys to give it up on downs with less than a minute to play.

What a game! Like they expected, a close game but The Pack managed to bring the Lombardi trophy home to Green Bay.

Thanks for everyone who stopped in for the party. Mum managed to contain herself and not scream at the TV. Just lots of cheering, clapping and some worrying too.

Still a few extra fur piles in the house. We cellybrated after the game for a while. Mum went to bed, we partied on. Just everyone teleport home safely.

A couple of our buddies decided this weekend was the time to head for The Bridge.
Farewell Pabs, our Tassie buddy. We will miss the Aussie rules feetsball updates. His mum even was an honorary cheesehead for the game yesterday. We are glad we won the game to give here something to smile about.
Laila and Minchies cousing Bonnie ran off too.
Plus our Secret Paw sweetie Miss Praline isn't feeling as well as she could. Waiting on word from the V-E-T on her bloodwork.

So big purrs to them and their beans.


  1. Yay to the packers but sad news about our dear friends. FAZ

  2. Congrats to your mom's team. It sounded like you had a good party. Sorry we couldn't attend ... we were busy snoopervising (which is just good as a party in itself). We had treats while doing our job.

  3. We are happy for you, and sad for our pals that left...

  4. We were sad this weekend--it seemed like a lot of our friends were having a hard time--but we were happy for the Pack!

  5. hi Derby and Ducky! Congrats on the Pack's win! We didn't watch the game (we aren't into the football much at our house) but we heard that it was a very good game!

  6. Love the quote. It wuz quite a game and we are eggzausted from da game and da party. All in all it wuz great ennertainment an fun to be wif owr furriends. Fanks for a grrrreat partay! We loves yoo cheeseheads!

  7. Yayyy for the Packers!
    We are sorry that more friends have gone to The Bridge but very glad that Praline's test results are all good.

  8. Congrats 4 your team. "Stouper Bowl" That's funny!

  9. We sure had fun at your party, Derby and Ducky. We're glad your pack won too.

  10. Concats on your Packers winning that Stouper Bowl! Our mom and her then hubby were on vacation in Wisconsin the day Mr. Lombardi died. She will never forget that.

    It is so nice you mentioned our cousin, Bonnie, running off to the Bridge Saturday. Mom was very sad but happy she could help her niece as she'd never done that before

  11. You have a lot to celebrate up there in Whiskonsin! Next thing you know it'll be somebody's Gotcha Day anniversary, and time for another party.... :-))

  12. Yay for the Packers!!!

    We are very sad at the passing of Pablo. He was one of our oldest blogging pals and a feisty mancat. We will miss him very much.

  13. We are so sad about Pablo. The CB has lost a truly large personality.

    ~Slash & Bronzy

  14. The neighbors were setting off fireworks near our house Sunday night. We're so sorry to hear of the kitties that passed.


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