
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Sending Out Purrs

We want to send out lots and lots of purrs to KC and her mum ML. KC is feeling poorly and her mum is worried about her. We know all about kitties not feeling well and worried mums! KC is our wonderful re-purr-ter on the CB. Without her we wouldn't know much of what is going on in the CB!

No we aren't sure what caused Ducky to have a fever. There were no obvious wounds that might have been infected. Mum had given him the once over at home and the VET did the same thing at the office. No tummy troubles or other output troubles. The VET office even called us to get an update on how things were going. Mum said fine.

So things seem to be back to pretty much normal for now. So we are sending out our purrs to KC and any other kittie who needs them.


  1. Ducky, we are sorry you has a fever. We hopes you are feeling better. We are so glad you and Derby came to our party. We hope you didn't get overheated dancing with us. ~Scylla & Artemisia

    We are sending lots of healing purrs to KC and all the furries that need them. ~AFSS

  2. I hope that whatever made Ducky sick is gone now! I have been sending lots of purrs to KC, along with all the others in the Cat Blogosphere

  3. We're glad Ducky is feeling better. And we hope KC is feeling better soon too.

  4. Ducky so happy to hear are doing so much better now. Hope Derby is getting along well with you now that you are back in the main part of the house. We too are sending purrs and prayers to Mom Mary Lynn and KC and the others that are sick now.


  5. We are glad that Ducky is better again. We are sending our purrs to KC.

  6. Glad things seem to be back to normal again and I also am sending out lots of purrs to our sick friends.. Hugs GJ xx

  7. We are glad you are feeling better Ducky! And we are purring hard for KC too.

  8. Sometimes we get a fever and then all is fine! Hope you are all better.

    Thank you for coming to our birthday commentathon! It was fun.

    Cats of Wildcat Woods

  9. Ducky, we're glad you're feeling much better. It won't be long before you and Derby are back to playing and wrasslin' again.

    Our verifying word is "flyin." Either a fly is inside, or some flyin' is needed.

  10. Glad Ducky is feeling better. We're adding owr purrs for Miss KC.

    Finnegan, Buddy & Princess Jazzy


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