
Friday, April 8, 2011

Happy Weekend

We are happy the weekend is here. Mum spend time outside cleaning up parts of the garden. Cutting up some branches so they stack up nice until the pickup next month. Took the last of the flower stalks out of the garden.

All of the old birdy food, sunflower seeds got scooped up. Then mum came in and scooped our boxes out too. Guess she was in a scooping mood.

The terminator came to visit on Thursday, we all heard something running in the walls or attic. The guy didn't find anything big, most likely mousies looking for a place to have their babies.
When the guy was up in the attic you could hear him doing stuff. Ducky's tail got all poofy. Mum would prefer that the only mousies in the house are our toy mousies.

Oh, and it is supposed to get all nice and warm by Sunday. That means open windows!


  1. Those mousies must have been in the attic because they were scared to come down and encounter you two!

  2. Ducky, you look mighty disturbed by the attic sounds! Maybe you guys will get some real live dedded mousies this weekend!

  3. oh crap. mousies in the attic stink. unless you get to eat one. of course mommy wouldn't let me eat one just in case of disease but it still sounds yummy.

    my beans are going to work half the weekend outside and have to do "family obligation" stuff the other half. hopefully they'll leave the windows cracked a little bit...

  4. Only nip mousies are welcomed in a cat's house!

    ~Slash & Bronzy

  5. Well if those mousies dare venture down from their cozy attic they will have both of you to contend with. You guys are way better than any old exterminator. Our neighbors down the street have the same problem.
    Mousies or a squirrel.

  6. Well it's a good job they are in the attic, that's all we can meow, otherwise they'd be deaded for sure!

  7. We would LOVE it iffen some outside mousies came in our house!

  8. Wow! The Terminator came to your house? Was it the good one or the bad one?

  9. Uh-oh. A tail that floofy means trouble! Mmmmm, real live mousies to play with, or eat?

  10. Happy Sunday gang, I hope you have a terrific day!


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.