
Wednesday, April 27, 2011


HiYa, Ducky again. Mum brought in the mail today and there was a package. Royal Mail it said. Well if it is our invite to the wedding on Friday, it is a bit late! Mum won't have time to shop for a fancy hat to wear, let alone get there!As we we looked at the package it mum said it was from my little sweetie Dora! How cool, she had her mum send us a couple of goodies.
Food treats, a toy, card and sweets for mum.
See the cute little card? Sort of looks like my tortie terror herself. Thank you Dora and your mum too.


  1. Ducky, you sure picked a sweet gal for a future girlfriend! Dora is a cutie (and a spitfire!), you got some fun stuff.
    Too bad about the wedding though!

  2. Dat is even better den an invitation to da wedding! Haf yoo guys been enjoying da rain? Zippy went out in it last night and even tho mom had da bumbershoot (dat's what da english call an umbrella) Zippy did not stay unner it!

  3. That was so sweet of Dora to send you a gift! We love Tortie girls!

  4. What a lovely gift package! So sweet of Dora and her mum to send that to you all!

    -Fuzzy Tales

  5. Oh what a great gift from sweet Dora!

  6. How fun to get presents from across the pond! You have a very sweet lady friend, Mr. Ducky!!


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