
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Early One Morning

Its quarter to three,
There's no one in the place cept you and me
So set em up joe
I got a little story I think you oughtta know

Hi guys, I woke mum up very early Sunday AM. If she slips me a mickey and takes me to the stabby place, I can wake her up from her sleep.

Sometimes I like to find a toy and take it into mum's sleepy spot. I also let out a big, deep, MEOWRRWWW. Just let her know I am around, and maybe she will wake up and play with me. I do this at least once a week, mum usually ignores me. But I think she felt all bad about giving me drugs, she rolled to the side of the bed and started to get me pets. She also started to sing the above song. Why, cuz it was 2:45 AM exactly!
I am all fine from my medicated state. I felt good enough to eat and drink later in the evening. I did not see any pink mousies, but my hind legs didn't always do what I wanted them to do. I wasn't good at walking or jumping for about 6 hours.


  1. MOL..You woke your mom up by Meow and Your mom put you back to sleep by singging
    2:45 AM. is Magic Time or Evil Time ? I wonder : )

  2. We are glad you are back to normal. And you are lucky - if we woke our mom up at that hour, she wouldn't be singing to us...and we might get kicked out of the bedroom!

  3. Your Mum is nice to actually play with you in the middle of the night. My humans get up and toss Ichiro out and the I have to deal with him...

  4. We are glad your coming around and will be back to normal soon!

  5. We're glad to hear that you're OK from that mickey your mom gave you. We try to wake up the Mom in the middle of the night to play but she never gets up for us. So instead we play with the Daddy.

  6. A toy and a manly, mancat meow ... very purrfect for a 2:45 am wake up.

  7. My human does not think I need to be drugged to go to the vet, but she wishes there were a way to keep me from trembling so much! She is worried I will have a heart attack!

  8. I love to tell my mom when I've caught one of my favorite gray mousies after midnight! Our brother at the Bridge, Snuggles, was nasty at the vet - they had to wear those thick falcon-like gloves to handle him. My mom never thought to drug him first!

  9. I sawed flyin purrplol mousies at my vet. Ain't it great when Mom plays when you demand play? Much better than shoutin "Vic-tor!"

  10. I purrsunnally have never been slipped teh Mickey, but the Human says she has hadded other kittehs that gotted all drugged up and do you know what? Well, do you??? She LAFFED at them! I told hur she was going to h-e-double hockey sticks for sure.

  11. Hey Derby, we're glad you're feeling a lot better. Can't keep a good man cat down!

  12. My mom says she'll remember about that medication. I can't imagine why, though.

    And here? Lately it's been our mom waking US at that hour!

  13. Wow Derby, that's the pits that your Mum DRUGGED YOU!

    Mom said one of the "cats that came before" was so bad at the VET they put a bag over her head so she couldn't see anything, but she still growled and hissed like mad!!

  14. well if she is going to do that to you, she only deserves to be wake'd up, you is entirely in teh right.

  15. We make sure TBT wakes up with ratttley mousies and squigglies around him most morning. It make him happy an it doesnt take us much time. So why not...


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.