
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Garden Thursday

Hello, I'm Virginger, and I am taking over Garden Thursday from the boys. What do they know about the garden, they stay inside all the time. Me, the outside is my home!
Just sitting on the supplies for the inside boys, me, I find a secluded spot in the garden. Mum worked hard this past week and got her flowers together and did her plantings.
The pots for the front of the metal monster room with spikes, vines, geraniums and white petunias and the left overs of the colored petunias.
The impatiences all put into the big tire planter out front. Some of the hanging baskets still empty will be filled with impatiences too.
Flower boxes in front filled with purple themed petunias.
Yes Derby, I see you! Trying to snoopervise from inside. I do a better job being outside.
While we are working outside, we are thinking of all the poor kitties, woofies, and beans, who have been affected by the nasty storms this week. If you can, please consider helping through Project Toto.
It may be run by a woofie, but it is a good thing. Just do it, OK.

See you next week.


  1. Virginer, you and the Moum have been doing some excellent planting. Those boxes are going to look wonderful when the flowers start to fill out.

    Thanks for letting us know about the Toto porject. Ww feel so awful for all the people and animals in Joplin and other places affected by the awful storms.

  2. Hi Virginger - us House of Cats girls agree that gardening is probably more of a girls job - the boys are always just wanting to play and roughhouse!

    We think it is great that you are there to help out your mom. It sounds like you and your mom have a great plan for your garden this year!

  3. Virginer, you do a good job snoopervising the garden!!

    The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

  4. Project Toto!!! What a great name. First we heard of it is here!
    We'll check it out!

    We are "impatient" to get our flowers planted here! Momn usually gets some of those and geraniums because they are hard to kill and bloom all summer!

  5. You guys are looking good considering the year we've had!

  6. Virginer, we am in paw of yur gardenin skills! We hope yoo haf brot da God of Great Gardenin' to da yard. We am wishing da best of weather for a beeuteful yard dis year.

  7. Your flower pots are looking great, Virginer!!

    Our mom gathered up some blankets and we are sending them to the Joplin Humane Society!

  8. You have very beautiful flowers, Virginger! Thank you for showing them to us!

  9. Thanks Derby & Ducky for helping to spread the word about donating to the Joplin Humane Society!

    P.S. those are very pretty flowers

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. You gave a very good tour, Virginger! We like the planting containers...

  12. Hiya Virginger, good work with snoopervising the gardening. Get the boys to work!

  13. Cute post!...Wishing you all a happy, safe holiday weekend, handsome boys...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki


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