
Thursday, September 8, 2011

Garden Thursday


Hello and welcome again to Garden Thursday with me Virginger. I have lots of stuff to show you today.
Mum worked furry hard last weekend and cut down the weeds and such from the main garden and other flower beds. So it looks all neat again and just the good plants remain. She hopes!
Here is the pile of all of the stuff. Hopefully mum will get a chance to cart the stuff off this weekend. Provided it doesn't rain and get all wet. Mum won't put the wet stuff in the car to haul off.
Our grapes are starting to get purpley. Soon they will be eatable, but mum usually just lets the fevvers eat them.
Our old inside out tire with impatiens in it. Still growing and looking good for the summer. With all of the hots we had, not everything did well, even when we watered them.

Now for our, or at least mum's find. She found some other kitties who can share the outside with me. So introducing left, Dora, and right, Mia. Mum says they can stand in for the boy's sweeties.
Dora is a bit tortie-ish and Mia is a tuxie. Next summer they will get to have flowers inside of them.
Here we all are together. I am happy to welcome these two cuties to my outside fun. We girls get to be outside. The boys are inside! Ha!

That is all for this week, glad you stopped by.




  1. Lovely garden you have there and cute furriends!

  2. Wow! Your mum's a hard worker. There's something odd about those two guys...

  3. Looks like yer Mom has been werkin hard in the garden!

  4. Your mum has been working very hard in the garden Virginger. We like your two new friends.

  5. Oh wow! How great that you have furiends!!

  6. OMC! We LOVE the pot stand kitties! Awesome!

  7. Love the Dora potholder!

  8. Purrs, your mom has been working so hard in the garden. We think your new garden pals are very nice...I bet they don't eat very much.




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