
Thursday, September 22, 2011

Garden Thursday


Hello and welcome to Garden Thursday. Virginger here to guide you through our tour of the garden this week. It is slowly turning to fall here.

Last week week we showed you the hen and chicks in the container. Here they are planted in the ground. Iffin you biggify the picture you can see some bigger parts, which is the hen. Then the little surrounding parts are the chicks. Mum says in time the chicks become hens and have more little chicks.
This is our vine that grows over the gate, an autumn clematis, pretty little white flowers.
Our little maple tree in the back, starting to change colors.
Mum got a shot of Mr Nuthatch at our feeder. Mum had to go buy lots of fevver food this past weekend. The little guys are eating lots of foods. Some of them will be flying off to winter quarters, the rest will be staying here for us to watch during the winter. Mum even went to a talk last night about good ways to feed fevvers. Even though she has been feeding for years, even she learned a few things.
Thanks for stopping by. Love, Virginger.


  1. We like an autumn clematis !!!! Very pretty and the leaves are so lust green like spring leaves..We like it : )

  2. There's still lots to see in your garden...especially all the birds. :-) That makes for great entertainment!

  3. The seasons are changing, and there's no stopping it even though mom wants to. You are so good to feed the fevvers.

  4. You're an excellent gardener, Virginger. And, a good birdwatcher.

  5. Your garden is looking lovely Virginger, as it prepares for autumn. The mapel is looking pretty.

  6. Mum needs to go to bed. She can't even spell Maple now!

  7. We luf your garden. Not much color here as we had the hots and drought so badly this summer. Thank you so much fur sharing it with us! xoxo

  8. Oh we love the little nuthatch!! We have a couple that come to our feeder all the time!!

  9. Whatever you do...don't let my brother Figaro know about how to feed fevvers...because then he'll somehow use the information against them so he can eat the fevvers. He's terrible that one.

    Your garden looks lovely my furriends!

  10. Hi there Derby and Ducky, We love your name Derby because we are huge fans of the Kentucky Derby
    Now I need your mom to send me an email so I can write back to her how to pay for the item she won on the auction. My email is
    Thanks, Marg and all the critters here.

  11. Hi there Derby and Ducky, We love your name Derby because we are huge fans of the Kentucky Derby
    Now I need your mom to send me an email so I can write back to her how to pay for the item she won on the auction. My email is
    Thanks, Marg and all the critters here.

  12. Your garden is looking great Virginger


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