
Monday, December 12, 2011

ManCat Monday

Finer than any sand are dusts of gold that gleam, Vague starpoints, in the mystic iris of their eyes. - Charles Baudelaire
We hope you had a good weekend. We had a nice long weekend with mum around, mum did her shopping stuff on Caturday AM, then spent the rest of the weekend inside with us. So we got lots of cuddles and treats.

A few of your asked about AlPacka socks. These are AlPacka's, all sort of colors. Guess people raise them, take their furs and make stuff with them.
Well these are her socks. She had the little booties on the right, bought 4 more pairs. She had a pair on when she took the picture. Keeps her toes nice and warm.
Did we get anything, well not directly. But mum found the below on making treats!. She hasn't made any yet so we haven't tried them yet, she says hopefully next weekend. So we will let you know if they are any good.
Feetsball Report

The Pack - They did the usual and won. They refused to be raided by the Raiders. 13-0 and 19 wins in a row.

The Colts - another week, same results

Grandpa Brett - still retired.


  1. Mebbe the Mom could leave the alpacka sock drawer open so you could snuggle in them! Let us know how those treats turn out. xoxo

  2. Those socks look lovely and scrummy warm. Perhaps you could hang one up for Santa to leave you some treats in :)xxxx

  3. Mom had an alpacka ool jumper once ~ she said it was super snuggly. xx

  4. Those alpaca socks look SO toasty warm! Perfect for the long winter ahead. We like Jasmine's idea of hanging one up, if you don't have a Christmas stocking already, to be filled with those treats. :-)

  5. You will have to tell us all about the new treats!

  6. Does your Mom find those socks itchy? Our Mommy has cold feets a lot.

  7. We bet those alpaca socks are lovely and soft and warm.

  8. The socks look great! Are alpacas the same as llamas? We have a llama farm near us.
    The treats look intriguing. Can't wait for the food review.

  9. Y'know, there's an alpacka farm on our island. We've never seen any alpackas, but our mom has driven by the farm and seen them!

  10. My mom needs alpaca socks! She constantly complains about how cold her toes are, and we find her feet uncomfortable to sleep on to keep them warm.

  11. nice model very photogénic

  12. nice model very photogénic


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