
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Squillion Day Virginger Reporting

Hi, its me Virginger posting today for Squillion Day. I would like to wish all of my Squillion littermates, big, small and virtual a happy day
February 28, 2006 was the first day I showed up on Derby's blog. Little did mum know at the time what she started when she brought me home.

Now lots of you have loving homes throughout the blogosphere, we even adopted Flurries one of the winter virtual Squillions. Flurries and I get along just fine, no fights or wrassling matches. Well, we are girls, that might make a huge difference.

I am looking forward to my Garden Thursday updates. If we look outside we are beginning to see signs of spring coming. I can't wait for warmer weather so I can get back out in the garden.
Happy Tuesday, Happy Squillion Day!


  1. Happy Squillion Day, Virginger! Yes, spring is right around the corner and we can't wait! xoxo

  2. Happy Squillion Day! Mama might do somethigng outside this spring, too!

  3. A furry Happy Squillion Day!!!

    ~Slash & Bronzy

  4. Happy Squillion Day Virginger! And yes, Spring is just about here!

    Luf, Us

  5. Happy Squillion Day, Derby & Ducky. We posted on our VSquillions today.

  6. Happy Squillion Day, Virginger! Has fun in tha sun soon!
    Sanjee and tha resta tha Hotties

  7. Happy Squillion Gotcha Day, Virginger!

    We can't wait for warm spring weather either.

  8. Happy Squillion Day!!

    We are hoping for some spring weather too! We had snow today - but not much thankfully!

  9. Happy Squillion Day Virginger. We will be glad to see your Garden Thursdays again.

  10. vSquiilion Lightpaw Laplander here. Glad ta see SOME friends remember us!!!


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