
Thursday, February 23, 2012

Thursday, This and That

Yep, we checked it is Thursday. The weather guesser keeps saying it was going to snow today. So far no snow flakes and mum even checked by turning the light on outside to be sure.

We got surprised yesterday. We were both napping in the sun on the front window perch, when mum pulled into the driveway. What the heck are you doing home from day hunting so early?

Well she had an appointment and had time to stop home, drop off the work stuff, brush her teeths, put some lipper stick color on and back out the door. Then we didn't see her until dinner time.

Oh, well tomorrow is Friday, then the weekend! Yipee for us all a weekend.


  1. Fridays are the best! Happy snoozing, you two!

  2. We're supposed to get some snow tonight. Just a few inches, but people around here are talking like it's the storm of the century or something! Sheesh!!

  3. Me can't wait til mommy has a snuggle day! Those mommy does the weirdest fings some times, right?

  4. As long as she was home by dinnertime. That's all that matters. xoxo

  5. And wow! I heard you did get snow after all! Stay warm!

  6. Have a great weekend, Boys!
    Hopefully she will spend it at home tending to your every need.


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