
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Tuesday, This and That

HiYa, Ducky here. Time to help us get a post together mum. We are sitting here watching you continue to read Max's mum's books. Yeah, you can finish as soon as we are done here.
Not much going on, just that you know we have get our paw in enough to let you know that nothing is going on.

Warning, a week from today is V-Day, so if you have a sweetie, get prepared. We are not prepared. Mum, we have to get working on this.

Oh if you biggify Derby's picture, you can see mum and me in the background in the mirror.

Virginger wanted to remind all of her litter of Squillions, that Squillion Day is coming up on Feb 29. Be sure and do a post!


  1. Oh man, I'm sorry ou have to wait so long...the Woman is really verbose and those books go on for-freaking-ever. But the last one is pretty spiffy, I think liked that one the best. It's all thinky and stuff, though I haven't figured the title out yet. The Flipside of Here? What the boogers is THAT supposed to mean...?

    Anyway, I hope you don't have to wait much longer...

  2. No news is good news, as our human staff always says...

  3. This is our first V Day on the web! We is very excited. xoxo

  4. We're always having to hang around while mom reads so we sympafize. xx

  5. We quite enjoyed Max's Mom's books here. They were good for some nice lap time. Although we liked Max's book better...

  6. The nice thing about v-day is when the humans are out buying flowers they might grab some catnip while they're at it.

  7. Our mum has lots of books she wants to catch up with, but we make her help us first.

  8. Actally, dont we see all 3 of you in the background?

  9. Yup! We see mum! You look like you are being as patient with her as you can be, Derby!

  10. I'm trying to get ready for V day too!

    My name is Oskar & I have a blog that I'd love for you to check out, It's a great place for pet bloggers to find each other and be featured.

    Nubbin wiggles,

  11. Sounds like an easy Sunday at your place. Not much going on here either. The football season is at last over. No fun cause the Colts have forgotten how to play with Manning on the team. Just terrible. But I will say that the Super Bowl XLVI made up for things. Indianapolis was rocking last weekend! Boy what a game huh?
    Wanted to mention that if you two wanted to join the Tabby Cat Club we would love to have you as members. Check it out.

  12. Hi sweet furiends! The Human has been extremely uncooperative about helping me visit my blog friends! It is good to see you looking so happy!

  13. My mom is naughty same as your mom. I really rare can do blogging in these day ! Read the book....Crap !!!!
    She just got no priority at all : )

    Paw crossed for myself and you two, I hope our mom get back to do more blogging


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