
Thursday, February 2, 2012

Two Cats, One Bed

Can't a cat get a place to nap, all by himself!?

Mum has now moved the other donut bed that was by her sleepy spot, out to the living room. Now we have our own spots to nap in. Thank goodness.


  1. How nice that you both have your own beds...and use them!

  2. When you said at the end "now I can finish my bath" we half expected ducky to come trotting back into the picture to join you again!!

  3. Derby took up that whole bed! I'm glad you finally each got your own.

  4. Bit of a tight fit for both of you boys, but it is nice that you share. It is better to have both your beds there though.

  5. Good on your mum, she knew what was needed.. Hugs GJ xx

  6. It's good to have two beds when you need a little space, but you both got a bath out of it when just sharing the one!

  7. Having your own bed is nice but sharing is fun sometimes too.

    The Florida Furkids

  8. Wait, is that really YOU guys in the video? Ya look like meezers! Some trick of the lighting? Have ya learned ta change yer fur colors? Is Mom playin with exposures?


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