
Saturday, March 31, 2012


We are waiting on the supposed sun puddles to show up, so far just cloudy. Bah!
We are keeping mum entertained with some wrasslin'. She did the foods shopping and is now resting. Says she has one other small thing to do, then she can rest, the rest of the day. That means naps, reading and crow-shay.

She even came out of the sleepy room and slept in the fevver watching chair last night. She liked it better as she doesn't shift around as much, which means fewer achy parts. The sleeping part is about the same. Poor girl, she needs to nap with us more often.

We hopes you all have a good weekend too!


  1. Hope your mom feels better, real soon. Make sure she gets lots of the naps in today. That will help her, for sure. Especially if you both nap with her.

  2. Hope the sun comes out for you soon. It'll make for a good napping session.

    Have a good Caturday and Sunday.

  3. We had no sun today too...bah! You're right...your mom needs to nap with you more often!

  4. Wrasslin' is very good for keeping mums entertained. We hope your mum is soon fully recovered.

  5. Humans always need to nap more often. I do not know why they don't...

  6. You guys know it's no fun when you can't nap properly, so you need to make your mum feel better soon.

  7. We hope you got your sunshine, and your Mum got a good nap!

  8. I'm so sorry that you didn't get any sun this weekend. It was nothing BUT sunny around here, and all the windows were open all weekend!


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