
Thursday, March 15, 2012

Garden Thursday

Hi, Virginger here. Sitting the the bright sunshine! It has been warm enough to be more like mid-summer. Mum gives the boys a break and comes out to sit with me and soak up some sunshine.
Can you see the little batches of purples? Yep, crocus up and blooming and more came up after mum took this picture. Some of the white ones too.
Pretty first flowers of the year for us. YAY, spring! Even Mr Chip the Monk as come out of his winter hidey spot!.
See you next week. Love Virginger.


  1. Isn't it lovely as the weather warms up and the flowers start to pop up. Mummy loves to see the lovely bright green of the trees when their new leaves come out :)xx

  2. Oh enjoy your nice weather. We had some and then it went away and we got more snow this week! Now I think it is back to rain but still--I can't wait for a nice sunny day because there are so many sun puddles in this house!

  3. It is nice to get some warm sunshine to sit and enjoy the garden.

  4. Thanks for the garden tour, Virginger!

  5. Oooohhhh a Chippy!!!
    Spring has sprung!

  6. Say, do those chippies taste like chikkun?

  7. We luf Chip the Monk pic! We don't haf those around here. Are they nommy?


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