
Monday, March 26, 2012

Mum Survived

She made it through the whole day of work. But came home all tired and is just sitting with us nearby purring.

But I miss her coming home routine. I will lay on the floor and show my belleh and want belleh rubs. Mum can't lean over to rub my belleh! I don't like that at all.

I then jumped up on the half wall when she brought the mail in, then I got some scritches and love.

Ducky always helps her change her clothes, so he gets his coming home love then. Mum says she needs a shower and then bed.


  1. we's glad that your the mom made it through her day at werk. our the mom comes home and falls asleep on the cowch

  2. I hope your human is back up to speed soon! I bet today was a bit rough for her.

  3. Yay for mom making it through work. With a little more time, she'll be all bendy again.

  4. We're happy to hear your mom got through the day. Bet she sleeps real good tonight!

  5. Gettin up to the Mom's height is a really good idea until she can bend down ta yours.

  6. It was prolly a long day fur your Mum! She needs rest and "biskits" right now. xoxo

  7. Awwww, I hope your mummy had a lovely refreshing sleep and is ready to go again. I guess you have to find a spot a big higher for the time being to get your tummy rubs :)xx

  8. Just be sure to clme up to her height for a while! She needs extra mancat loving until she's bendy again!

  9. Routine is important. Our after work routine was lost when our mom began to work at home, but yours will come back soon enough.

    Purrs for your mum feeling better and better!

  10. Mum is tired, hopefully her stamina will return soon and you'll have all back to normal.


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