
Thursday, May 24, 2012

Garden Thursday


Hello and welcome to Garden Thursday

First I am happy to say that mum got a bunch of stuff done outside this past week, or stuff to help us with outside.

First she cut short lengths of all of her left over yarns from her projects.....
....untwisted it into the thin little strings........

....then put it into a cage so the fevvers can come and get the colored strings for their nests. So they can be comfy with their babies.

Mum finally bought flowers for the outside. So the pet-unias are now in the flower boxes. 

Then the big tire filled with impatients!
The first pee-o-knees are opening too.

Me, I have moved to the back yard to snoopervise and see what is going on back here. The front side of the house is sort of boring.Here mum has just hung up the newly filled hummer feeder.
One of the hanging baskets with impatients.
Pink roses!
More growth on the trumpet vine.
Then mum sat down and we watched the hummer feeder and we didn't wait long for one to show up.
Picture is fuzzy since she took it with the little flashy box that doesn't zoom well. But on the left side is a hummer! And they do make a hum or buzzy sound when they zip by you as they fly. 

Lots happening, hope you enjoyed. For those in Meriky, everyone have a safe holliday weekend. 

Love, Virginger.

P.S. Send purrs and purrayers to Parker and her beans. She is heading for The Bridge today. We are leaky eyed and will miss her. Smoochies to you Parker!


  1. Your garden is coming right along! Our Mum loves those pee-o-nees. Thanks fur the tour, Virginger!

  2. What pretty nests your birdies will have!

  3. Your garden looks beautiful and you've got hummers already! Yeah! Yeah for the hummers!!!

  4. What a wonderful idea with the yarn bits! And the flowers are all coming along quite nicely.

  5. Our mom planted her flowers earlier this week too. She was too depressed to do anything last year but this year she wants colorful flowers and lots of them!!! What a difference a year makes!

  6. Everything is looking great in your garden. What a great idea to put yarns out for the birdies. Our mom is gonna do that!

  7. Great tour of the garden Virginger! Your flowers are looking very cheerful.


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