
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Garden Thursday


It's Virginer welcoming you to another Garden Thursday. We had the hots over the weekend, but today it got cold again. Mum even put on real shoes with socks!

Enough about that, let's get back to the garden. The poppies are popping and the pee-o-knees are in full bloom. 

 Remember last week I showed you how mum cut up her yarns for the fevvers. We saw one little on trying to pull out that long string. Guess what. Mum went and cut them up even shorter, then put them in some mesh stuff.

 Looks good mum, that should help the fevvers be able to pull them out. I'll just sit here and wait for them to fly close. Yep, yummy little fevvers, really close to me. Can't wait.
That is all for this week, see you soon. Love, Virginger


  1. Our Mommy loves those poppies and pee-o-knees. Just beautiful. What a great idea to recycle that string and mesh fur the fevvers. We'll have our Mommy try that.

  2. That yarn will make a nice soft nest for the fevvers. The fevvers here use the horsies hair.

  3. We know the birdies are gonna love having that yarn for their nests!

  4. Hi there - I like your blog and would like to feature it in an article I write in a magazine. I see you have a "STOP" notice on the sidebar. Please contact me at so I can answer any questions you may have. This is not for financial gain to me or the magazine (; it's just a short monthly piece I write to let readers broaden their "blog following" horizon.

    Hope to hear from you soon.


  5. That's such a great idea to put the yarn out for the birdies!


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