
Monday, May 14, 2012

ManCat Monday

A cat will tolerate cuddling and stroking - if she has nothing better to do. - Author Unknown

Hello All. Long time no post. We blame mum. Way to busy living her life and not catering to us. 

First she went off and play with the racy cars this weekend. Came home tired but not wiped out. She thought that was OK. 

We bugged her until she added more noms to our dishes. 

So we missed most of Mom's Day. So belated Happy Mom's Day out their to all, human mum's, kittie mum's and our feline mum's too, where ever they may be. 
 Plus it was nice and mum opened the windows for us. Bonus


  1. We are glad your mummy had a lovely Mother's Day. Mummy is very interested in all the different days it is celebrated on. She had hers back in March, whilst they were in Budapest it was last week and now yesterday. Wow. :)xx

  2. Tell your human break is over and now she has to get back to work catering to your every need!

    P.S. I am glad she had a nice Mothers Day.

  3. We had pur windows open, too! Our mama left us for a while to walk by the lake, but then she came hpme and we had a nap together.

  4. I'm so glad you got the window whiffies yesterday. Warm fresh breezes are always GREAT! purrs

  5. Oh it's always nice when you get the whiffs from the windows!

  6. We hope your Mum had a good day time for her to cater to YOU!

  7. What a pretty picture of you boys!
    Glad your mum is up & about resuming normality (or what passes for it!!!)

  8. We figured your human mum was off doing something fun. You're considerate to let her go from time to time.

  9. We hope your mom spends some time with you now! Happy Mother's Day to her (belatedly)!

  10. Open windows almost make up for her being gone!

  11. I feel your pain. Mom's been in a tizzy doing one thing after another. She posts, but I hardly get to visit. We're both fine, and now she can rest a bit until her next big adventure.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.