
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Garden Thursday in Honor of Ducky's Purrthday


Hi Virginger here. Welcome to Garden Thursday and today, we will have a short garden tour. Then we will party away in honor of my little buddy Ducky.

 Some of the daylillies are starting to open up, plus lots more flowers to come. These are out front of the house.
 It has been furry dry here, can't remember the last time we got a good rain shower. So you can see the grass is getting all brown and crunchy. Plus mum has the garbage out and ready for pickup!
Good for bees and butterflies, but mum can't remember the name right now. She says it is too hot to think. 

It is Ducky's purrthday today, so we can't let this wonderful day go unnoticed and unremembered.

Yes, that is Ducky sniffing my ears, later he sniffed my rear!

Doing the Q, he is furry good doing this. He even won the prize a couple of years ago.

A nice formal face shot of my little bro. Wishing you much happyness and and many, many more years with us here at the house with mum. Casa de Mummy!

So on to the goodies. Help yourself to whatever you wants. Lots of fun foods, ham for sure, some chick-hen too. Drinks, ask the help for whatever you want. Oh, and kittens, remember you only get milk, water or tuna jooce.

Nip cakes to finish it all off. Thanks so much for stopping by and cellybrating with us. See you next week for Garden Thursday.

Love, Virginger


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DUCYKY! You have such a great life with your bro and your Mom! And that's a great party you're putting on too!

    The Chans

  2. Happy Birthday, sweetie! Great party, wish MoMo were here to celebrate with you.

  3. Happy Birthday, Ducky! Mom says our grass is all crunchy, too. Your flowers are beautiful, but we are more interested in the party. Spyro and I will be right over.

  4. Happy birthday, Ducky! What an awesome party!

    We wish you a wonderful day filled with extra treats and cuddles!

  5. Happy Birthday Duckey! Thanks for inviting us to your party, we're having a great time!

    xoxo Cory and Jonesie and family

    pee ess...hope you like the fresh nip we brought

  6. Happy Birthday Duckey! Thanks for inviting us to your party, we're having a great time!

    xoxo Cory and Jonesie and family

    pee ess...hope you like the fresh nip we brought

  7. Happy birthday, Ducky! You're still as cute as the day we first met you!

  8. Happy Birthday Ducky! We're on our way over right now! And the heat doesn't bother us at all. It's VERY HOT here as well.

    Luf, Us

  9. Do you have room at your party for four more? we're seniors and so we won't stay late, gotta have our naps. Have a Happy Birthday Ducky!!

    from all of us,

  10. aw happeh birfday ducky.

  11. We think that yeller flower is Achillea. We had some with pink flowers, but the same leafs!

    Great party, Ducky...

  12. Happy Birthday, Ducky! We hope you have the greatest of days.

  13. Happy Birthday Ducky! It's a great party. We wish we could send you some of our rain, it just never stops!

  14. Happy Birthday handsome Ducky!!...We are on our way to party with you and your big brother, sweetie...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  15. Happy birthday to you
    Happy birthday to you
    Happy birthday dear sweet Ducky
    Happy birthday to youuuuuuu!
    Wishing you many, many, many, times many more years of birthday celebrations.
    Thanks for hosting this wonderful party. Glad to stay at your place and chill out as it is 105 outside at my house. I must say the food was great and my tummyu is busting!!

  16. Happy Birthday Ducky!!! Great party...we're going to have some of that ham!!

    The Florida Furkids and Lexi

  17. oh we hopes that we is not too late for the party!!! Happy Purrfday Ducky!!!

  18. Happy Birthday, Ducky! We hope we can still get in on that nip cake!

  19. Ducky little man, Happy Happy Birthday!!!!!! The garden looks great and the foods look greater!!!
    We remember when you won doing that excellent award winning Q!
    Best fishes...err...wishes to you Ducky!

  20. Happy Birthday, Ducky! Sorry we're so late!

  21. Happy Belated Birthday Ducky! We're all mad and stuff at Mommy that we missed your party, it looks like you had a great time!

  22. Happy Belated Birthday, Ducky!!! Sorry we missed your party, it's MOMMA'S fault! We wish we could use the 'puter instead of her, because she's always a day late and a dollar short ... LOL!
    Hugs, purrs and headbutts,
    Sabrina, Sam and Simon

  23. Happy belated Birthday Ducky thanks so much for inviting me to share your party over a lax Mom. Those were wonderful nommy chick-hem and nip cakes.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.