
Monday, August 13, 2012

Abandoned and Betrayed

Elebentytwelve,....elebentytwentynien......elebentythirdyfive......Derby, did we count them all? Yep, twice, same count.

Oh, hi everyone. We are mad at mum. Firsted she left shortly after lunch on Caturday with her red travelling bag. Heck she usually isn't gone more than overnight. But NO, not this time. We didn't see her for two hole days!

Second, we check the flashy box and see this! She cheated on us this weekend. She went hundreds of miles to see another cat, when she has us gorgeous ginger mancats to hang with? No she runs away on us.
Sort of cute face, dark tabby, white bib. Name is Brody. Not as cute as us.
Chopped off tail.
Hanging around where mum was sitting and.......
......this guy was cooking chick-hen wings. Mum said the guy was told not to give him any. Sorry bud.

Just hanging out outside.
Playing with mum's camera strap. Hey they is our job buddy!
Yeah, stealing our scritches from mum. Yep, that is her hand, giving the guy some loves.
 Mum says it was a family thing. Yeah right. Mum stayed here and the kittie lives here. Thank cod she didn't bring him home.


  1. Wow! That is some house. I think there would have been room for you...

  2. We don't understand why when humans go away, they hafta cheat on us. We hope you guys got lots of treats to make up for your mum's transgressions.

  3. What a traitor. Mums are not to be Trusted!

  4. She should have brought you boys along. We agree that the house looks more than large enough for all of you!

  5. His name shoulda been "Stubby"! Good thing she didn't bring him home. Mommy thinks he was cute!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I can't believe your human spent so much time with that kitty! But then, my human just came back from the weekend smelling like HUNDREDS of kitties, so maybe I should not be talking!

  8. Well, he certainly is a cute kitty, but..........mummy came home to you two :)xx

  9. You are very lucky that kitty didn't stowaway in your mum's red travelling bag.

  10. next time you guys should tag along with mom

    BoBo Salem
    Meow Meow Family

  11. Mom wishes there were kitties or any animal at the house where she stays when she goes Home. A house with out animals just isn't right. Brody is handsome. We had a neighbor man named Brody for many years. All they had was a stupid parrot.

  12. What a lucky kitty to live in such a beautiful, huge house like that! There would have been plenty of room for you two to go too.

  13. We think you should put your mom in a timeout.


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