
Thursday, August 2, 2012

Garden Thursday


Hi Virginger here. The sorta hots are back. We get a few cooler and nicer days, the the hots come back.

We did get some rains this past week. Not much but the grass is less crunchy these day and slightly greener. 
 One of our cone flower plants. The goldy finches love these and can't wait until the seeds are all ready to eat.
This is the last of the three Russian sage plants. Mum says she should maybe plant a few more again next year.

That is all for now, stay cool and happy.

Love, Virginger


  1. I wonder if the cone flowers help keep them healthy?

  2. The cone flowers are pretty. The rain is back again for us.

  3. We love the cone flowers. We don't have any in our garden. Maybe our mom will plant some!

  4. I really love those cone flowers. Great page.
    garden master


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