
Monday, September 24, 2012

Monday Night Feetsball Report

Yowza, what a game. It came down to the last minute but The Pack were screwed by the replacement refs. We has a mad and a sad.


  1. Well if you got some extra treats you might feel better?

  2. Oh dear, we'll just tippy toe back out. We unnerstands bout losin. Our team acted stoopid last weekend and Daddy was very unhappy. Hope you have a better day tomorrow. xoxo

  3. Just an FYI, not watching football we heard about it this morning. Even the Hawks are all What was up with that? And we heard that the refs called something on a guy who wasn't even in the game at one point?

  4. We didn't see the game, but we heard about it today. The Pack was robbed!

  5. We don't know anything about feetsball, but it sounds like the refs made some bad calls.

  6. The TV has been full of Beins hissing about that game fer days!

  7. Oh my. We cannot IMAGINE what kind of words the Human's family in Milwaukee are saying today. They is BIG Packer fans. That call was a TRAVESTY!!!


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