
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Deaded Mousie

We saw this little track in the snow outside of the kitch-hen windows the other morning when it was so cold.  Biggify the pictures to get a better look.
Whatever it was was just wandering around, sort of seemed lost. Didn't see any paw prints of anything.
Then at the end we sort of noticed a shadow of something and mum got the fancy zoomer camera out.
Can you make out the two paws and tail of a deaded, frozen mousie! Yikes, it must have been furry cold out to freeze. Probably got tricked into thinking it was ok to come out when it was warm that one day.

Farewell mousie! Mum says that is one less to invade our house! MOL.


  1. yur mum says one less ta inn vade de houz...we say ....

    snak time!!!

    haza ton oh tuna twoozday D & D !!!

  2. Yikes! That sure is cold...and deaded!

  3. Maybe he was sick and was wandering around in a stupor. Mousies with diseases are not good for kitties to eat anyway, so I am glad it did not make it into your house!

  4. I kinda feel sorry for him. I bet his wife is just beside herself wondering where he is!

  5. Better that he is deaded out there than in your house! Wonder what made him wander...

  6. He must have been a silly or sick mouse. The mousies here never wander around for us, we have to work hard to find them.

  7. Oh Dear. We do feel a little bit sorry for that mousie...

    The Chans

  8. Poor mousie! We do hope it didn't have to suffer too long.

  9. Did you arrange for that "accidental death"??? We think you're furry clever!

  10. Awww...I feel bad for the little rodent. He was probably just out to pick up some milk or bread and didn't know he'd need his heavy jacket...

  11. Oh deer! He's dead alright! Bottoms up, Mousie!


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