
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Ducky's 3rd Gotchaversary!

Yep, three years ago, I snagged a good home with mum and Derby. It has been a good run and I certainly hope it continues.

I know mum loves me, she treats me super good. I loves sitting on top of her, specially when she is sleeping and I climb up and nest myself from her ribcage to hip. Sometimes I even climb under the covers with her and do biscuits and purrs on her belleh. The other night, early morning really, I crawled under and stayed there for nearly 2 hours.

So, in pictures, here are some pictorial highlights over the past three years.

Thanks for stopping by, I am so happy to share my gotcha day with all of my furiends. Have a snack before you leave.


  1. Happy Gotcha Day Ducky. Cheers muchly for the fest! We hope you have plenty of celebratory nip and treats, and make the most of all the fussing, just as a handsome ginger mancat should.

  2. Happy Happy 3rd Gotcha , Ducky !!!
    And your pawty is super pawsome !!!
    Many FOOD !!!! Thank you very very much !
    I hope you have a wonderful day, Ducky
    ((( happy hugs ))))

  3. Happy Gotcha Day Ducky! You certainly did get to a lovely Forever Home. We will raise a glass of niptini to many many more happy years. Cheers!

  4. Happy 3rd Gotcha Day Derby!!!!!
    Looks like you got a super nice home there abd will have a wonderful life :)
    Enjoy your special day!!!!
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Treasure,Tiger,JJ and Julie

  5. Happy Gotchaversary, Ducky! You certainly were lucky in finding your Forever Home! Here's to many, many more!

    The Chans

  6. Happy Gotcha Day, Ducky! What a fabulous party, with such yummy food!

    We wish you a terrific celebration!

  7. Happy Gotcha Day, Ducky! We remember the day you came to live with your mom and Derby.

    Great party and noms!

  8. Happy Gotcha Day ~ you snagged a wonderful home. xxxx

  9. Happy Happy gotcha Day Ducky!
    You've brightened our days too!

  10. Happy Gotcha Day Ducky!!! We will teleport over to help you celebrate!

  11. Happy Gotcha Day, Ducky! 3 yeers alreaddy? Wow! It seem like furever or just a minnit ago. MOL I glad you gotted such a great furever home.
    Sanjee and tha resta tha Hotties

  12. Happy happy gotcha day Ducky-
    sounds like you found the perfect home. We are purrrfectly happy for you!
    Jada and Scully

  13. Happy 3rd Gotcha Day !!!

    JC and The Purr and Fur Gang

  14. Happy Gotcha Day Ducky! What a celebration!

  15. a veree happee gotcah day two ewe ducky N heerez ta a bazillion mor...hope ewe haza grate fun filled day, thanx for de ham samiches N we hope EWE get sum treetz, toys, a 2013 FURRAREEZ car, sum pie, cake, sghetti, friez, trout, tuna, mackeral, sea bass, pizza pies, salmon, perch, pork chops, a mew cat tree with a frigeratorz attached and a case ore 45,908 oh flounder !!! enjoy and meowloz ta derby !!

  16. Happy Gotcha Day, Ducky! Have a wonderful day and thank you for the yummy food! :)

  17. Nom Nom Nom! happy Gotcha Day Ducky :) Nice spread you've put on :)

  18. Oh Ducky we remember when you first got GOTCHAED! Can't believe it's been 3 years. But a very very happy GOTCHA!

  19. Happy third gotcha day, Ducky! I'm very glad you got to adopt your mum and Derby!

  20. Happy 3rd Gotcha Day, Ducky! You are so right about your situation. We hope you have many more happy years to come.

  21. HAPPY GOTCHA DAY DUCKY!! You gotted the BESTEST forefur home and the BESTEST brofur!!!
    and thank for letting us come to the pawsome party!

  22. Oh we made it just in time! Happy Gotcha Day Ducky!!! Stolat! 100 years and more in your furever home!

  23. Happy Gotcha Day, Ducky! You sure have great home!!

  24. Happy Gotcha Day #3!!!! Ducky you hit the jackpot when your Mom took you home to live with her.Luved lookin at cher baby book pics. Youz have groned to beez a verrrry handsem boyz. Mayz you havz many morz Gotcha Dayz to come.


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