
Monday, February 11, 2013

ManCat Monday

If there is one spot of sun spilling onto the floor, a cat will find it and soak it up. - Joan Asper McIntosh

You bet we will find that sunny spot and take advantage of it. We can tell the days are getting longer. Sun rises before 7 AM and sets after 5 PM. We like that. However we didn't see much sun this weekend. We had rain yesterday, so it was a good day for naps.

 Ducky soaking up the afternoon sunshine in the kitch-hen.
 Derby in the front windows.

Because of the cold mum has been keeping the shades down in the front windows and most of the other windows overnight as well. Strange has the house is so dark overnight, but a bit warmer.

But then we can't see outside overnight. Oh well, guess we will go join mum and soak heat out of her in the sleepy spot.Mum says she sleeps better if things are darker and she read that even though we kitties can see better than beans in low light, darker makes us less active. So no THoE in the middle of the night.


  1. You have both found GREAT sunspots! We better find ours when it comes up here.

  2. Heat Royalty !
    You two are smart ! Get the heat day and night...Cool !

    PS : love the first photo, so beautiful

  3. We also had pouring rain all day yesterday and are getting a bit of sunshine today. It makes such a huge difference!

    Happy Monday, Boys!

    The Chans

  4. Lucky you in the sun spots. I am a wee bit jealous as our sun is not around...

  5. We think sunspots are God's bestest, most purrrfect inventions ever!
    Jada and Scully

  6. doods...stop by trout towne coz we iz a wake from 11:37pm til like 5:58 am during non day lite savings time N we sleep during de day kinda like vampires due, but any way, ya wood haz plenttee ta look think of de snaks !!

  7. That's a very smart way to stay warm! ...and to keep the nighttime zoomies to a minimum.
    ; )

  8. My human puts up the shutters in the bedroom every night to help keep the heat in - but she actually sleeps better in sunlight (she is very much a night owl), so she misses having the sun coming in in the mornings. I do too!

  9. We had a bit of sun today too which meant we could go for a walk.

  10. Daylight savings time is on its way!

  11. We could use some's been cloudy and chilly the past few days. Your Mum is pretty clever to make it dark and get you guys to sleep the night through!

  12. Always catch those rays when you can!

  13. We're glad you both got to enjoy a little sun.

  14. I loves sunny spots and I find them no matter where they hide. I think I probably get more of them this time of year than you do, but then in July and August we hardly sees the sun for the fogs.


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